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RE: The USSR is alive

in #blog6 years ago

Vilnius and Clapeyda illegally became part of Lithuania during the USSR. Vilnius, Clapede and land near the cities we will return to Poland. Lithuania will pay compensation for the occupation of these lands.
The inhabitants of Vilnius, Clapeyda and adjoining lands are obliged to pay the cost of apartments and houses that they illegally used. To pay to the owners of houses and apartments rent for 100 years of illegal use. If they can not pay themselves, then they will pay children and grandchildren.
Lithuania did not exist before the USSR. There were some lands in the Sotava of the Russian Empire that were bought from Sweden. The contract of sale of land between countries has no statute of limitations.
Russia decided to get rid of useless, unwashed, uneducated, lazy population and created Lithuania.
The Russians have given you these lands, you must live there. Only return Poland to the Polish lands.
The lands of Lithuania are a gift for useless people. Only there will be payment for factories, factories, houses, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, universities, roads, ports.
The amount of compensation for illegally seized objects is being clarified.
The capture was not by force. Livya humbly requested 3 years to join the USSR. If there was a seizure by force, which divisions of Lithuania fought with the Red Army?
Lithuania was sorry, as miserable and miserable and included in the USSR. More such errors will not happen. We do not need a stupid, lazy population. We need to return money for objects that Lithuania illegally seized.
A huge mistake to take in the USSR wild lands. If Lithuania approaches 200-300 years in its development towards Russia. Then maybe take in the owl. But on the terms first pay all debts.

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