Love from a past life

in #blog7 years ago

This story I heard from a good friend of my mother. We often visited her when I came to Russia on vacation from Dusseldorf. Anastasia is a very fine woman, often told us something interesting, but the fact that she told at our last meeting, I was amazed. I knew that Anastasia Alexandrovna once lost a beloved husband, I remembered him badly, but my mother told me that it was an unusually smart, interesting person. He was older than Anastasia Alexandrovna almost 17 years. I have also heard that some kind of unusual love story they had. And then one evening, when the conversation touched love, I noticed something in the eyes of this old woman that silenced me. And then Anastasia Alexandrovna told me what happened to her many years ago. I haven't slept all night... And the next morning recorded the story almost verbatim. - You must have heard about the reincarnations.  she asked me. - Of course, Yes, I am sure, after all now about than only not write. But in our time, not only this word was not, but somehow the concept of "transmigration of souls" did not take place. What happened to me seemed like an easy shift in my mind. Parents-hereditary doctors-dreamed of my career as a doctor. And I was drawn into the music. In music school I ran in the house mother. I was twelve when, one night, coming back from school, I suddenly felt bad. We lived in Magadan then. It was very dark autumn, it was snowing wet. I was walking down the street, and suddenly as if something had fired in my mind, I saw that I was completely on another street, some narrow and dirty. It wasn't me. It's so hard to explain the condition. "There" I was about fourteen years old. Blond hair, a cap on his head, a plaid wool skirt, rough heavy shoes – that's what I clearly remember. I also remember that I went to a very important person, on whom my fate depended. Then again, a sharp jolt, and I saw myself again the real, on a bench next to two women and a man, who about something asked me, wiping his face with a handkerchief. Weakened and confused, I was brought home and handed over to parents, terribly frightened, because I was never a weak child in terms of health. I told my mom what I saw, and she got even more scared. I remember when she told me even some the injections do.

Then all repeated in about six months. I was sitting in a biology class, when all of a sudden everything "floated" and I saw myself in a big bright room, in a long pink dress. Remember very well the decoration of the rooms and the harpsichord. For harpsichord sat a handsome gray-haired a man and played waltz. I looked at him with adoration. I remember quite clearly that he was my guardian. My childless distant relative, rich and noble, who took me, a poor daughter of impoverished parents afford the education to give successfully married and become, therefore, heirs. Then a man embarked and we on "times", "two", "three" began to waltz. He gently pointed to my mistakes, showing how to make a head turn. Then I came back to my present. There was a feeling that everything lasted for a few minutes, the lesson lasted... for a Long time nothing like that was repeated, and I already thought that it really was age-related mental abnormalities.

After graduating from eight classes, to the great disappointment of my parents, I entered the Khabarovsk musical College. He studied well, met with young people who dreamed about career of a great musician, in General, lived as many of my friends – nothing special. And here is again "the inclusion of." At that moment I was studying in the audience, playing Bach. I saw myself in a beautiful autumn garden. It was quite cold, but still played the rays of the sun. In the distance could be seen a huge stone house, neat paths around the lawns. I was walking, leaning on that gray-haired man's hand, wearing a warm coat with a Cape. I was expecting a baby. It was probably the last months of pregnancy. My guardian said something, but I didn't listen. My heart was bursting with pain. I loved this man. And he married me to a young noble boy and enthusiastically waiting for our first child. I was thinking that, perhaps, will never dare to confess his feelings. At some point, my foster father, freeing his hand, quickly approached a small rose Bush and tore off a lonely, already withered rose. Then he came up to me, knelt down and stretched it out. It was in his eyes something... I came to the piano, his hands lay on his knees, and his chest something was torn. I had no more inclusions of that life. Then I often thought about what language we spoke, and everything seemed to be in English. By the way, in this life it is easy for me to bear, say, as a mother.

And then things happened like this: on the final exam he expected the arrival of several members of the Commission from Moscow, and, of course, we are all terribly worried, because only some lucky people were expecting a smooth transition to the Conservatory. I go on stage, sit down at the piano. But before playing, I looked at the examiners. And literally freeze in one of the chairs HE sits, the guardian of the life, only slightly younger! I was unable to play. I felt so bad that it is impossible to convey. In the corridor classmates together was force-feeding me water. On the shoulder rested a hand: "do Not worry, later all will pass. Don't go anywhere; I'll take you home." So I met my future husband. Yuri took me to Moscow, where we got married. I loved this man madly, but I still didn't find the strength to tell him what was going on with me these years.

I was in my late pregnancy when my husband came to visit me at the hospital. We walked around the hospital garden, it was the end of September. The trees have all turned yellow, the garden was empty. But in one corner we saw a rose Bush with one last flower. I stopped involuntarily, and Yura, the boy jumped over the fence, plucked a rose and held it up to me, standing on one knee, as "there". Can you imagine what happened to me? I went into labor! I gave birth to twins, son and daughter. And six years later lost her husband. I was summoned from the school where I taught, straight to the hospital: Yura got hit by a car. Ridiculous and accidental. Doctors didn't hide anything and said plainly that left him a few hours. These two hours I will never forget... Yura was without memory, and I was afraid that he will die without saying goodbye to me. But at some point he opened his eyes and stared at me. I thought he was watching without seeing. His eyes were watering. I knelt down, trying to make out what he whispers. It was impossible to make out, then he suddenly tensed and quite clearly said in perfect English: "do you remember I taught you to waltz?"And then his mouth contorted spasm. In a few minutes he was gone…

So many years have passed, and I ask myself the question: what was it, why? When they began to print the various articles and research about various unusual phenomena in our lives, I eagerly read everything that dealt with reincarnation, but anything sensible did not find. But once, having told this story to one, so to speak, the witch doctor, I heard such words: "You sinned in your past life, gave true love to pass by and remained apart, without having fulfilled your life task. Life gave you a chance again. But for all you need to pay, and your Yura paid the bill."

Author: Nord-Rhein-Westfalen


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