Law of Attraction a Pseudoscience!!!!! Dont be fooled!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

So my uncle has moved in with my family and I and he believes in this thing called "Law of Attraction". I did not know exactly what it was except for what he has told me about it. So I went out and did my own research and here are some things that I have found out about this LOA(Law of Attraction).

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So basically its the idea that if you think positive things then positve things will come to you and if you think negative then you will attract negative. So if you think and keep thinking you will be a Billionaire then YOU WILL BE A BILLIONAIRE. People in the field believe that what they are doing is scientific but I can assure you, its at best a Metaphysical Pseudoscience.


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Now after just learning that I seen HUGE holes in this and needed to figure out how to prove my uncle wrong on his ideaology I figuered out a few points that prove this "LOA" wrong in every sence of the idea...

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So first issue is that there is no purpose. If you just sit around thinking that you want that nice car, it is not just going to happen, it is not going to happen if goals are not set and I see a lacking of REAL goals.

2nd thing i found that kinda goes with my first point...a LOA guru named Esther Hicks said, “You did not come into this environment to create through action.” all i have to say is WHAT the hell is this guy saying!!!! That right there should be enough for anyone to turn away from this nonsense.


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So if that is not convincing enough, some creators of this LOA have said that dealing with poor or sick people will bring you sickness or no money so there is absolutly no compassion in this LOA community. Wallace Wattles, a LOA founder wrote, “Do not talk about poverty; do not investigate it, or concern yourself with it. Do not spend your time in charitable work, or charity movements, all charity only tends to perpetuate the wretchedness it aims to eradicate.” and to make it worste here is another one.
Rhonda Byrne in The Secret takes this a step further, “If you see people who are overweight, do not observe them…If you think or talk about diseases, you will become sick. What you think or surround yourself with – good or bad, is what you will bring upon yourself.” so pretty much if you are a believer in this, dont join any job in health or like dealing with poor people so like accounting or something like that fyi :)
The more and more I research this, the more i laugh and at the same time get sad at the poor people actually following this "cult" in my opinion and its full of naive and gulible people like my uncle and its sad.

If you liked that then hit the upvote and also resteem and share with someone that might be on this horrible path of ideas.
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sweeet, yeah I have thought the same thing....Oh I will attract one million tons of Diamonds, I am still waiting...

Exactly, its a stupid idea, like yes obviously postive brings positive thats common sense but they take it to a next level

@fyrstikken what do you think of this post?

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