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RE: Impressing People By Living On Credit

in #blog8 years ago

Hello doitvoluntarily, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a featured author by the @robinhoodwhale initiave. We are currently in alpha testing, if you would like more info join robinhood chat on or pm @repholder.

Interesting Piece - Keep on Steeming!


i'm sorry for being newb on this but what is PM? or how do i do that on here?

join this chat
I hang around there daily

i've tried but it tells me my password isn't right.. which it is? so i havent been able to use steemit chat at all :-/

Seriously love all the 'whales' that are doing this kind of thing. You guys will be the reason steemit stays relevant and focuses on good content over simply catering to the popularity of a topic. On sites like reddit, it's hard to get any recognition because if you aren't following the popular format of the hour, you're shit, even when the popular format or topic is shit.
Thanks to you and all the whales trying to help out those that are unknown but should be known.

Also, will be following you now.

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