You need to learn this! Here's what reveals the wedding date for your wedding

in #blog6 years ago

Numerology science says marriage date speaks a lot about marriage itself and determines its fate.
Now account for your marriage number and find out more.
What you have to do is collect dates from the wedding date (day, month, year) until a single digit is created.
Then find out the meaning.
Example: If your wedding day is July 21, 2005, you must collect all the numbers until you get a single digit: 2 + 1 + 0 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 17, collect 1 + 7 = 8 .
Number 8 is the number of marriage in this case.
That way you can count your number!

No. 1- Perfect Romance

Because number 1 is dominated by the Sun that shows that in this marriage the most important is mutual trust and optimism.
The choice of this date reveals a gentle and loving couple who have met in a very romantic way.

No. 2- The motive of marriage is mostly children

Hmmm! The moon dominates number 2, so there are two possible extremes or you will have a fiery or modest holiday in the circle of your loved ones.
But emotional maturity is more important to the success of marriage, but a large number of those who married on this date do so only because they have been a child on their way.
This does not mean they would not have been married together, but the arrival of the child has accelerated plans.

No. 3 - Potential interest marriage

The Jupiter Planet directs this marriage number, indicating that it is the perfect date for a marriage of material interest.
The love of this marriage is not that there will be no love because, over time, the couple is affectionate and will certainly have many children.
But why? To inherit the common property.

No. 4 - Faithfulness in eternity

The Saturn planet is leading this number and these couples have well thought out all the responsibilities and have finally decided. They have decided to have one another in the arm for all their lives.
Couples who will always cooperate for common success usually choose this number.

No. 5 - Communicating with your partner is important

Mercury Planet is the ruler of this marriage, so it does not matter to emphasize the need for quality communication with the partner, which is the basis of this marriage.
No matter, there is always something happening and the real examples of this type of marriage are those who are very young married.

No. 6 - Marriage is the most important thing in life

Planet Venus is responsible for these marriages in which apparently only love, mildness, happiness and peace exist and survive.
The partners in this marriage are always loyal, because this institution is the most important thing they have and in which they believe.

No. 7 - Changes in plans are important

Urantia Planet, unpredictable, is responsible for marriage, which may be sometimes wrong and unpredictable, because the two partners require a lot of personal freedom, so surprises are not unusual.
Changes are the only constant thing in these marriages. Partners learn to fit in with each other and sacrifice if they want to stay together.

No. 8- Marital happiness comes from the bed

Hmmm! The complexity of these married partners is governed by Mars, so it's no surprise that a good part of happiness depends on sex.
Partners are understood in a single way, so they connect with each other since the first meeting.
So they will agree on every segment of everyday life.

No. 9- Love overcomes obstacles

Neptune's Planet directs this number from the first steps to a difficult and complicated relationship.
And when a marriage is realized on such a date, it is in the hands of chance and can not be separated anymore.
Congratulations and long life together!

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