These are 4 types of couples, where do you participate?

in #blog6 years ago

Scientists from the University of Ilinois developed an experiment on 376 couples in love.
They tried to understand how people's feelings change over time and observe every couple for about 9 months.

As a result of the experiment, 4 types of pairs were identified.
Conflicting, but passionate
This is your type of relationship if:

  1. Spend a lot of time together.
  2. Meetings are always passionate.
  3. The union is characterized by frequent quarrels and passionate reconciliations.
  4. The level of feeling changes constantly.
  5. Go away for a while, start feeling the lack and "run" immediately in each other's arms.
    Such couples, though seemingly unstable, create a strong bond and do not split as often as other couples.
    Lovers in the drama
    This is your kind of relationship if:
  6. There are many downsides and ups and downs in your relationship.
  7. Try to make decisions based on any negative experience from the past or from life beyond the bounds of the relationship.
  8. For the most part of the time you spend together, you talk about the relationship.
  9. Prefer to spend your free time apart from each other, each with their friends.
  10. The members of these couples are split twice as often as others. Less than half of these couples participating in the experiment married.
    This is your kind of relationship if:
  11. Often communicate through social networks.
  12. Be a very sociable couple and have many friends with whom you sit together.
  13. The ideal evening for you is to play "Monopoly" with friends, buy them together, or stay in a nightclub until dawn.
  14. Be happy talking about everything with each other.
  15. Such relationships are considered to be strong enough because they are based on friendly feelings. 2/3 of couples in the experiment married.
    Sticking to each other
    This is your kind of relationship if:
  16. Spend a lot of time together.
  17. Have hobbies and common interests.
  18. Make important decisions regarding the development of your relationship.
  19. Have the same views as to where and how to spend your vacation.
  20. Try to resolve conflicts by seeking compromise.
    This kind of relationship turned out to be happier: 90% of participating couples created strong families.
    Based on the results of the study, scientists came to the conclusion quite clear. The feelings of couples belonging to the "conflicting, but passionate" group disappear quite quickly. The ongoing struggles between "drama lovers" also lead to their separation. While "people of pleasure" and "fixed to one another" create strong families in most cases, by class. Of course, the ideal formula does not exist and all decide for themselves how to establish a relationship. But understanding the type of your relationship will definitely bring about positive changes.

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