*Blog* Evie's 1st Birthday *Blog*

in #blog7 years ago

Evie's Birthday


~ 5.47 am ~

Good morning guys, very early wake up this morning by Evie. She's not slept well and Sophie has brought her through to it bed to which she has fallen back asleep but I can't get back off. It's Evie's birthday today, 1 year old already, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. We have got lots planned for today and a lot of guests coming round to see her throughout.

So I'm going to keep trying to get off for a bit more sleep before Evie wakes up again so I'll speak soon guys.

~ 7.11 am ~

So I managed to get Of for about 15 minutes but that's it. The rest of the time between I was looking through a number of steemit blogs and posts. Evie is now awake and in a very cuddly mood. I think she knows something special is going on without realising it's her birthday.

I am so looking forward to today though to spend it with Evie on her special day. Looking froward to spoiling her and seeing her face.

So as we are taking her downstairs this morning and let her into the lounge, this is what she sees.


Her face has just lit up with the expression everyone would associate with her. 😮. All she wants to do is play with her new kitchen set and dosent seem to pay any attention the the wrapped presents for her.

Best we give her some breakfast as the first lot of guests will be round shortly.

~ 8.45 am ~

Chris (Emily's Fiance(Sophie's Sister)) has just arrived to give me a hand jump starting the Nissan. We are taking it back to the garage if we can start it to get it sorted as it's been a little bit of a pain recently.

I cannot believe how cold it is out there today but we have managed to get the car started. Sophie is now taking it to the garage whilst me and Evie play with her new toys.

The next lot of guests have just arrived, Sophie's nan and her friend with some prezzies for Evie. Evie seems to be more in to the cards than the presents and I can't believe how well she can open them on her own.

My nan and grandad have also just arrived with another pile of presents for Evie. We are all going out for lunch at lunch time, us 3 and all the grandparents which will be nice.

~ 12.32 pm ~

Just sat in Frankie and Bennys restraunt for lunch with all the grandparents and the birthday girl.


Not as busy in here as I expected considering we are so close to Christmas but the food is decent.

~ 14.34 pm ~

Been home an hour now and it's time to have a quick rest before the rest of the family all arrive for the evening. Evie is so tires so she need to get off for a little sleep too. I might have to try and join her though.

~ 21.34 pm ~

Been a while since last updated the blog but it's been manic. Everyone is round and we have just had kebab delivered totalling about £85.00. Lots of empty beer bottles and cans laying around the house so I'll have fun cleaning this tommorow. Been a very good night as everyone is just having a laugh and chilling all in aid of Evie's birthday who is celebrating asleep upstairs.

Time to end the blog as it has been a long day and I'm very tired.

Thanks for reading.

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Evie's Birthday, Great celebration with her and she is looking to cute! I hope that you already giving my wishes and love to her :)

Thankyou I will do.
I'll give you a little shoutout in today's blog also for your feedback.

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