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RE: Help Grow our Pocket. A steemit initiative!

in #blog7 years ago

I'm just curious, why would anyone expect a subtoken to do well when the parent token is not? Doesn't make any sense to me. And during a time when there is a bot revolt happening? Makes even less sense.


Well... just because the parent token is doing poorly in your eyes doesnt mean others share your opinion. And one could say what better timing than now if it were doing poorly.
All a matter of ones own perspective. I say any positive addition to steemit is welcome at anytime! Especially in these volatile markets. Thanks for your thoughts!

I'm curious why you think Steem is doing poorly.

New accounts - Down. Active participation - Down. Retention - Not Good. If you think Steemit is doing well, do tell! As a well vested participant, I only hope for continued success.

User registration is probably a big cause for new people trying to sign wife has tried to get an account with no luck. Facebook has no problem creating accounts.....thats a big deal that needs fixed. Also I think it needs messaging, groups, user galleries and a few other things....then it could compete / replace facebook.

@bohemian Are you really a bohunk? Me too!

Fair points, but have you adjusted them for the cooling crypto-mania? You say all those metrics are down, but down since when? The all-time-highs of a few months ago?

Short-term numbers I pulled from another post. But it makes sense. Steemit definitely needs some work done on the front end like @bohemian says.

I just reviewed the Steem price charts for the last four months. Take away the dips and rises and Steem is on a downward price trend... from $2.50 to about $1.00.

To continue to play the devil's advocate, you cherry-picked the 1-year high as the start of your review. Review the price charts for the past year and things look rosier.

How do you know we're not settled to a fair price of $1, and $2.50 wasn't just a wild rare aberration?

But I really am just playing devil's advocate. In truth, I suspect that Steem is participating in a long-term cryptocurrency price slump.

That, or a certain reality has set in. I hope though, for the sake of my investment of time and money, you are right.

Yeah, mostly. I 'm just not comfortable looking at long term downtrends of any kind.

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