Today's Tarot - Osho Styles - "Moment to Moment"

in #blog7 years ago

moment to moment.jpg

To be present is to be here. To be here is a result of letting go of the past and the future. The past and the future are timelines pulling in all sorts of different directions. Neither of them are really here. The mind can make movements pulling up instances/thinking's from the can thoughts work the same way about the future. To an extent, these areall forms of distraction in being present here right now.

There is validity in learning from our mistakes of the past. This is what it really means to forgive and forget. To move on for real. It''s not that the lessons learned are forgotten when you forgive - it's that you let go of the thinking...the judgements from the past for your acceptances and allowances. See - this is the gift of self-forgiveness to let go of the acceptances and allowances that were less than stellar. The same can be said about thinking for the future - plans are good...but sometimes flexibility and adaptability is required. Also, one does not require to daydream randomly about the future. Ambition and desire are the points to be aware of as things that take us out of the present and into the mind.

Life is a moment by moment play/work/expression/living. Enjoy the best of every-day. Each and every day is a lifetime. Make the most of it.

The work and the play we create in our day is what really shapes our best living. Make the most out of the work and the play in your every Today.


Things will come up unexpectedly in your day to day living. It's how we direct such moments that makes the rest of our day. Let things be simple. Direct yourself according to simplicity.

Be honest about the things that pop up. creating our best response ability for that which arises, we can exercise the care to play and work out our best lives!

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