RE: Mining Crypto: Heaven for OPEC members and Oil exporters, Why Bitcoin is here to stay
Hi Wesley, Thanks for the article, ill actually add it as a reference to this article, to raise awareness
Yes i think international acceptance for this petro-dollar, is hopefully gonna be none at all, Because i really want to see this regime go, but we never know who the international buyers will be (Russia most likely and black market??, I can imagine it implenting itself as a crypto exit stragtegy in tether/monero Style, get out of a bear crypto market but stay hidden?), since holders will always be anonymous. But I think we will be able to derive who holds this crypto, by seeing what exchanges will accept this crypto, I speculate russian exchanges will allow it. (Russia is also the biggest creditor for Venezuela anyway)
If they do KYC for the ICO, who will actually see these files, investors are never disclosed, we will never know who is going to be taking part in the petro-dollar.
there will be international pressure to NOT have this currency available on exchanges too, I hope.
If ild go for a proof of work ild always choose Bitcoin or Litecoin due to their market acceptence reached already,
New proof of work cryptos are not as competitive as running proof of stake (from a tech side), and will just be created for the incentive of mining, but where is the real profit for miners to be made? in new altcoins where your mining share can be big because no one is mining it yet, or in Bitcoin/litecoin, where the competition is huge, but 1 BTC or 1 LTC would be big enough of an incentive to work for (if values reach sky high levels)
I definetly dont want to recommend the purchase of the petro dollar, i hope readers dont get this idea form this Short article, oh dear......
But I dont think we can consider the purchase of crypto as a debt, that sure is a loophole.