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RE: Repressants

in #blog7 years ago

Freedom has always been my number one priority and thank god, I was always lucky to fall on my feet, when I did something stupid. There was plenty by the way...

I think we all are confronted at some point with something holding us down and preventing us to unfold to our full potential. Important thing is to overcome all that and find the path that is right for us...

Interesting yin-yangish text-photo combination by the way 😵


So true Reinhard...most of us experience some hold back on our potential for full expression. Just have to find a way around or through it.

I don’t know what you mean by the last part (text-photo?). But I want to, so please do explain! 😀

To prevent misunderstanding.. I love it. Creates the same tension/energy I like to put in my work by balancing the male and female, the yin and the yang against each other :-)


Haha... sorry for the confusion. Actually, I just woke up thinking that this comment probably made no sense at all.

What I meant is, when someone only looked at the photos without knowing you, these might suggest a completely different theme than the one you write about.

In the first picture I was attracted most by an "area", that actually has the least "focus" as far as light and composition are concerned. Your face. Couldn't stop looking at the perfect line of your profile... nevertheless, I think most people get a different idea of the photo and wouldn't draw a connection between the image and the text there. The one appears like yin, the other as yang... but then it also makes sense again, as to me.. although the perspective suggests a certain "openness", to me the pose is more of the opposite again, sort of self protecting, with an aloof expression on a turned away face...

In the second part, the path of your text is starting to point towards a "way out", but in the picture you are still very removed. The location (boat) suggests fun, but you don't seem to participate. So, to me the text points in one direction and the picture in another..

The last picture is, like the text about hiding, actually quite the opposite, but again, I see a "yin yang composition". The words are leading to the final conclusion but in the photo, although you are... how should I say... more or less exposing (?) your (perfect) body, your face is turned away and covered. Its all showing and hiding, inviting and pushing away, moving forward and retreating at the same time...

Hope it makes more sense now :-)

Totally get what you were saying now. I love it when you share you thoughts on my posts as you have such depth in the way you see things. It’s like you see right through me, actually.

I was trying to share photos at first to match the depression phase. And the last one represented the ridiculous futility of being naked and yet still trying to hide certain parts of myself. Which really sums up the energy in most all my older photos. I was dying to be free and fully be me, represented by all the nakedness, and yet terrified to be fully seen, of course represented by always looking away or blocking my face. This is been on my mind of something to write about more in depth. Thank you for stirring that thought pot. 😘

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