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RE: Do you have a WordPress blog and you wanted to post those here in Steem to monetize?

in #blog7 years ago

Yes, I do understand your point. There will always be pros and cons for tools and I agree that this tool could be used for malicious ways like spamming.

However, the sole purpose and goal of the plugin is to aid legitimate WordPress bloggers sync their blogs to the Steem blockchain. One other reasons why I created this tool is to endorse Steem to the WordPress community.

Anyways, there's a 5 minute cooldown when posting to the Steem blockchain. There's also a mechanism in place for spam and plagiarize content. One example is the @cheetah project.


Another reason to consider the option for only posting to Steemit and reading the feeds instead of having a WP db for posts :)

As for that, I'm thinking of co-existing both mediums. As for the feeds, there's already a plan to integrate it on the plugin on WordPress Steem to display your posts, comments, or from other users or specific tags in the next version of the plugin. :)

Having posts published on two websites could possibly end up having the website penalized by search engines.

Hello @moataz, I see. What can you recommend to avoid this? Thanks! Greatly appreciate your input.

Hey mate,

Well that's a tricky question.

But to my best knowledge I believe that since the posts will be published on the blockchain - they also should be retrieved directly from the blockchain; if there's an option to either post on the blockchain only or have a version saved locally on the database as well; that'd be ideal.

So if there's some way to display posts individually through identifiers from the blockchain or have some invisible iframe from steemit; that'd be best.

In a perfect scenario there'd be the option to post comments / upvote / downvote or flag through the blockchain.

Hello mate,

Thanks for that thorough explanation. Yeah, that makes sense. I'm still thinking though about users who have older WordPress posts and they want to post it on the Steem blockchain.

That too will create dupe content which is hated by search engines

Then the website owner will have to decide which traffic is more important:

  • General search engine traffic of mostly people without Steem accounts and the ability to upvote to direct Steem rewards to the posts.
  • Traffic from,, or any other Steem UI site of mostly Steemians who can upvote for monetization.

As more Steem UIs get built, the search engines with have to adapt to the notion of a shared database of content, unless they don't want to encourage other monetization options for the existing Google AdSense etc.

Old posts will attract @cheetah unless there is a way to let the bot know that the content is being republished by the original publisher.

As for new posts, how does the bot recognize other Steem UIs so that a post using WordPress Steem does not get flagged for also appearing on the WordPress website?

I added a "canonical" attribute to "json_metadata" attribute to Steem post where I store the WordPress post permalink. That may be be able to help the BOT be able not to flag the Steem post.

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