The Washington Post Is Running A Propaganda Campaign Against President Trump. Writers Tied To Hillary Clinton And Her Agents.

in #blog7 years ago

If you ever wondered why The Washington Post was so Anti-Trump, I have a simple answer for you... The Podesta's. After the 2016 Presidential Election, John Podesta, the former campaign head to Hillary Clinton and former Chief Of Staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to Barack Obama, John Podesta, took a job at the Washington Post as a "Contributing Columnist". Yeah, you really can't make this stuff up!

Rosalind S. Helderman is a political reporter over at the Washington Post, constantly writes hit pieces on Trump and other Republicans was routinely having her articles passed around the Clinton Campaign as shown in the Wikileaks Podesta Email releases . This particular article was forwarded to John Podesta and Robby Mook by Adelle P. Cruz, Legislative Correspondent for Senator Harry Reid.

Rosalind S. Helderman routinely cleared her stories by the Clinton Campaign and had direct contact with the Clinton Foundation!!!!! Jennifer Palmieri, communications director for Obama from 2013 to 2015 worked closely for the Clinton Campaign and regularly opines for Washington Post stories and routinely in contact with Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton's close confidante and Political Strategist, who is also connected to Erik Wemple of the Washington Post. Here is an article by Erik Wemple throwing shade towards the New York Times over a story covering details of the Hillary Clinton email scandal directly citing a letter from Jennifer Palmieri.

Amber Phillips of the Washington Post also worked directly for the Clinton Campaign while also working for the Washington Post. Her email address in many of the email exchanges with John Podesta is [email protected]

Hillary Clinton says Jeff Stein of the Washington Post is a good friend of hers.. The connections are mind-boggling. He writes for "SpyTalk" a Washington Post blog He also has ties to David Brock's Media Matters and the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Both of which worked directly with the Clinton Campaign. He also writes for Newsweek.

Karen DeYoung over at WaPo is used to asking for direction from John Podesta and his people

Hillary Clinton kept close tabs on The Washington Post's Ellen Nakashema who was working on a story about Dyncorp hiring "Dancing Boys" in Afghanistan while she was Secretary Of State. "Dancing Boys" are underage Afghani sex slaves. I had to do some digging to find the article in question. I do believe that she maintained a working relationship with people in the Clinton Camp, co-wrote the WaPo article covering the fake news story that James Comey was pressured by President Trump to drop the Flynn probe. Let us get a look at that memo for ourselves! Oh, we can't because the only known copies of the said memo are at the Washington Post and The New York Times, that's totally legit right? They are very Fake News.

Robert Kagan, of Brookings Institute, writes a monthly piece for The Washington Post. He is a Neoconservative that backed Hillary Clinton. He is used to writing hit pieces on President Trump.

Greg Sargent of The Washington Post was caught up in the DNC Leaks also coordinating with the Clinton Campaign

Fareed Zakaria CNN personality and Opinion Writer for the Washington Post constantly slams President Trump, just so happens to be in bed with The Clinton Global Initiative and has even moderated discussions for them!! I'm sure he was paid handsomely for his work with the Clinton Global Initiative. George Soros was also in attendance at this event.

Ronald A. Klain is an Opinion Writer at the Washington Post. He previously worked for Joe Biden.

I'd consider it safe to assume that the abundance of Clinton connected writers and columnists at the Washington Post, which is owned by Clinton insider and political supporter Jeff Bezos has a lot to do with its current position as the key disinformation and propaganda outlet for the Democrats and The Deep State.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, is the founder and CEO of, and has extensive connections and contracts with the C.I.A.


Is this all starting to make sense to you? It would seem that all of the writers at the Washington Post running the propaganda campaign against President Trump are all connected to Hillary Clinton either directly or through one of her lap dogs.

Many of these Journalist hacks seem to move between The Washington Post, The New York Times, Politico, and CNN. "Fake News" writers might change employers but continue to tow the line for the Democratic Party and the Deep State.

You cannot trust ANYTHING coming out of these people, they are far from objective and have an AGENDA and are complicit in the ongoing Deep State COUP of President Donald Trump.

They are attempting to prolong and expand the Russiagate canard, despite the fact that there is still zero evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russia. This is a direct smear campaign to try to alienate President Trump's base from him. They will stop at nothing to prevent President Trump from enacting his Pro-America agenda that he was sent to Washington to accomplish.

I will continue to dig up as much information on these ties as I can and will expand into the New York Times and CNN as time goes on. Stay Vigilant.


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