My back problems and some history of me. (pretty long post)

in #blog7 years ago

Hi fellow steemitians,

First i would like to give some background info. After finishing high school i went to work at my cousins company as as butcher when i was 17 . I never enjoyed school because it was to easy and i didn't do to much . Passed every class with ease tho (lucky me) . I worked 2,5 years for my cousin and didn had any motivation to keep going anymore and i wanted to challange myself again. I went by a car painting compnay , they weren't looking for people i just went there and talked to the owner. After like an hour of randomly talking he offered me a job , the company was only 6 months old. I started out as an apprentice prepping cars for paint. 2,5 months later i was completly stripping down cars prepping them and paint them. I hit the same problem as my previous job no more motivation to continue i learned what was to be learned and got uninterested. After 6 months i stopped working there.

Since getting a better paid job can be rough without the right papers i started to regret my choice to work instead of keep learning. It can be hard to make a choice what to become in life . Some people know it at a pretty young age what they want to become. Some people like me are clueless (even now at age of 30) .

I applied for a job to setup up a new logistic system for a big kitchen company. I got the job and had to study myself on how to get this done. Since it was hard work and i was a fragile 20 year old kid weighting in at 69kg and being 1,82cm high i struggled allot. I had to start lifting weights since some of those granite tops weights over 150kg.
While working in the delivery i also was working on the logistics systems , cash payments on delivery where a big problem , this had to be changed . After allot of talking with the owner we got it done that full payments had to be made before delivery . The amounts of cash we had sometimes was insane. They even tried to rob us one time for it. We got away with the money save and sound thanks to bystanders and the police.

After a couple of years working there the economy went bad less delivery , i had to go into the sales of the company cause of the delivery i knew allot of the products which makes it easy to make the transistion from delivery to advicing/selling.
I did this for a couple a years. After that interest got lost and people didnt want to spent all their savings on a kitchen. The owner was a pretty old guy and didnt like the new stuff (website social media etc) . Company went downhill so many other company's where advertising he only wanted to advertise in the local news paper. after 7,5 years of working there busting my balls in the delivery . I got fired on economical ground , not enough work. The only thing i got left from that is i got pretty beefed up from hitting the gym.

After getting fired i wanted to focus more on my training in the gym. Since i was there about 5 times a week and went from 69 kg to 95 kg. A pretty decent change and i liked it. Because of my workouts i felt better than ever and i could give rest to my mind since i was always thinking of new opportunities . In the time i had no work i helped my dad out in his roofing and plumbing company. He was struggling allot he is a real worked but not much of a bussines men. I offered him to help him for free and get his company back on his feet. I helped him with the financial part and administration. After a month of going thru all his papers we got this settled. Since he spendid most of his time of working his papers out than actually working. After 2 months he got back on his feet and i learned my mom how to easily manage the paperwork so my dad could just do the thing he loves . Working his balls off . I admire my dad he has no papers at all only some courses but he is respected as one of the best plumbers in this region. He came from nothing and now has a succesfull bussines. Altho i could probably work for him full time i didnt want to this. I applied for multiple jobs from sales to service mechanic. In the end i had to choose for which company i wanted to work. I went for the service mechanic. It was hard work allot of digging but it challanged me. Every problem was different. I worked an avarage of 55 hours a week and one 15 hours shift a week.

In the end of may 2016 it went horribly wrong. After allot of digging done i felt a strange pain in my lower back i never felt before. I couldnt do my work anymore and went to visit my doctor. I have always been living healthy and working out. After some treatments they send me for an mri scan. I had 2 pretty big disc hernia's , L4-L5 , L5-S1 .
The hell of doctors started. They just tried to stuff me full with painkillers. I refused to take them i rather dealt with the pain. They wanted me to go to a special school for back training to see if it work since surgery wont happen within 6 months of diagnosted. They said "It will go away with time" i had a 6 weeks course of 2 times a week. First i only had radiation in right leg, after the training also in left NICE! They offered to do a pain treatment. They insert needles in my back and injected it near the disc hernia's to shut down the nerve pain. This failed and didnt do anything. I had to wait 2 months to see if it had any effect. It didn't meanwhile i was 8 months at home and couldn't do a thing. Things at home become tense i turned from a happy guy to a cranky one. It took it's toll on my Girlfriend. Since we couldnt do anything without me being in allot of pain.

In march this year i visited my doctor again i wanted to go to a clinic to see if they could do something for me .
After my first visit in the clinic i was in surgery 3 weeks later. Now my road to recovery has started with 2 times a week back training. I still have a long way to go since i almost had to live with it for a year. My last company i worked for didnt extend my contact. So i'm out of work since march this year as well.

Now i see things more positive i can do more stuff than before the surgery can get out of the house and walk arround (walking is the best option for recovery) and do my daily practice at home and with physician therapy twice a week. I hope to make my full recovery soon so i can start doing the things i love. Challange myself in a job go to the gym and be a good boyfriend to my girl again. Even tho this affected me much more than my gf it still reflects on her.

This has become a longer write down than i wanted to , i just want to say keep a positive attitude and cherish the things you have even in the darkest times. Things will come arround one day .

If you like i could give a better discription in a other post about my disc hernia and the pictures from it. This will be something for another blog tho!

Thanks for reading!
Much love

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