Three Basic Principle in Life

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Few months ago, i have been engage to other steemit connecting platform and focus for some time there. I missed to right such as long as this. Maybe this blog won't catch your attention and just simply pass it away, but let me share through my own thoughts about LIFE. This year is one of the most challenging and had my hardest decision part of the year and my career. But no matter what happens on my life with the result of my decision, i never regret it.

So then, what is life for you?


One of the greatest theories on earth was studying and proving that man were from ape’s species and just evolved over the years. But on this blog, I will not tackle anymore how the scientist study it and believe on it, this is based on my own beliefs and I wanted to share my three -basic principle in life that I learned.


Know your Creator

If you believe of the Divine Creation of God as described in Genesis, I know that it will be easy for you to recognized where you belong. The Bible tells us that we are created by God’s own image, and they are Adam and Eve. So, thus all of this make sense as of today? Well for me this is so important to know who gave your life. How can you start something or understand life itself if you do not know who gave it to you? It will just make sense that we are all living on this earth with our biological parents help and from that day you begin your life. I am in awe every time I have been thinking how God created the human body, how I was formed on my mother’s womb and being alive till now. There are times that sometimes to much knowledge will lead us into nothing. I know that God created humans with intellectual that can be taught and recognized what is good or right. This can be called our natural instincts or should I say our conscience. To begin a life that was a total of full suffering, we must know first who was your creator is. It will depend on what is your belief.


The Purpose to live a Life

I have read a book by Rick Warren of his Purpose Driven Life and changes lots of belief around the world or just help them to discover and understand the true meaning of life. He says in his book, “what on earth am I here for?” This is so simple question, right? But honestly, I think many times what will be a better answer for that easy question, then found helpless. Living a life comes naturally when we are born. Our parents will be there to raise us, feed us, and send us to school. But there is a deeper meaning of life that I discover. We have to have a purpose. Purpose will drive your dreams and passion. It will help you to be a better person and makes your life more meaningful. To know your creator is a good purpose first. Whether what will be your faith. I’ve been there many times on discovering my purpose and realized that I am wasting my time that won’t value anything for me in the future. Just recently I found out that one of chosen purpose to live with is my dream to become a singer. This takes more years to be taught that I wanted it, there are some regrets in my head that I constantly refusing my own identity in music. I got jealous sometimes for those people that they are already what they wanted to be and now, I am still working on my own flaws just to pursue my dreams. So, the best thing about second chances, they are unlimited to take.


Having a Genuine Faith

Faith is a belief that prefers usually on our religion, but I am not going to have a debate on other religion. I wanted to you to focus on what is your beliefs and values in life. I think this is one of the secrets of a meaningful life. If we have a genuine faith in God it will make a huge effect on your speech, the way you treat others and as a whole person. This day, we have lots of religions and no one forces us to believe on anyone that we don’t want it. We have different teachings, doctrines and people to imitate, but as we live a life here on earth, we must choose wisely whom we will offer our genuine faith that will not be wasted and can lead us to be a good and a better person. So, in summary of this. The best way to live a life to the fullest is to know where you begin, start your life’s journey in the right path and commit yourself to faith that will lead you to be a better version of YOU. Plus we must believe ourselves that we can do better than yesterday. If you fail many times, there would be always a second chances that is available. Trust in God's perfect timing.

That would be all that i could share my thoughts about life. What i learned for over 29 years of existence is just a little but i hope and i know that in little things can start a big things in life.


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