Anger Management (Level 2)
Dealing with break ups,
if your man does the dirty on you & walks on out the door,
Try not to get too anxious about the financial implications,
Be careful not to have a wardrobe malfunction,
Forget your big girl knickers & have a major meltdown,
Just smile in the knowledge that his new girlfriend looks,
Like a horse..
your flashing logo gives m migraine! lol
(well not really, but it does put me off - (just letting you know)
....dealing with breakups - is shit.
I either need a new follow me banner or I might just not use one or I could put at top 'Warning may contain flashing imagery' & traces of 'NUTS', Thoughts?
Hey Professor! How's things?
Thanks for asking Fishy, you are a caring soul.
Same old at the moment lack of Steemit action due to internet access issues. I try every day, some days it appears it's not meant to be. There will be some changes coming to my life over the next few months though I have been making some preliminary plans all too young in development to discuss just yet, Watch this space.
Just FYI Odie is doing really well - having no symptoms from chemo
I'm hoping for full remission.