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RE: F*ck*ng Happy

in #blog6 years ago

Yeah, I see that as an adult. Just like I figured Ray wasn't necessarily gay for giving one. When I was young, I figured that if you could get it up with a dude, you were gay. End of story.

Now I don't give a shit. Love who you love, and don't worry about what other people think. It took a lot of years alone in a truck to get myself to the realization that not much matters in our lives. Not what used to matter anyhow.


Humans suffer from great delusions of grandeur. They think they're better than everything, and everything they do matters. In some ways, everything does matter, but in other ways, nothing does. It doesn't matter who you love, or who you fuck, or who blows you late at night while you're watching a movie. It doesn't matter if you get your entertainment on a computer, or running around in a field.

But in some ways, a lot of what you do does matter. When you choose where to work, you're contributing to all the actions of the company, including when they choose to pollute a river, which leads to the deaths of thousands of fish, and even negative health effects of some of the people. Sure, someone else possibly could have filled your position, but perhaps they wouldn't have done so well with you there. If more cared about where they worked, far fewer would do such things.

But also, on the grand scheme of things, the redistribution of some chemical on a planet might not really matter, if we all end up killing ourselves. Of course, if everyone paid more attention, perhaps we would all be suffering less, even if our lives don't really matter. It matters to those living that they don't suffer.

Oh man, how right you are. For many years I worked in the oilfield here. It was mostly just building roads, so I told myself that the roads are going to help open up our vast, undiscovered area.

Then more discoveries were made and I started hauling produced water(poison) to disposal wells where it was pumped down a hole, supposedly forever. I told myself that the wells were already built and the water was a byproduct from the ground that was just going back in the ground.

Then the fracking started and we were told to start loading our trucks from the lakes and rivers to fill these massive tanks and ponds. They would then add acids and chemicals and blast it downhole into the formation. All of the spent water was brought back up to the surface and we would haul it away to pump it down the disposal wells.

That's when I got out of there and went back to hauling dirt to build roads. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I took part in millions upon millions of litres of clean, fresh water being contaminated and disposed of, all so a gas company can get bigger profits than the billions they were already getting.

Now I have completely left the oilfield, let all of my safety tickets lapse, and took a job with the highway department plowing snow in the winter and picking up garbage and assorted other work in the summer. I'm not getting rich, but I get lots of sleep and my family still gets to eat.


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