Polebird: ❤️Time is too precious to waste on writer's block! Blogging tips❤️

in #blog7 years ago

Ever had one of those days, where you set aside time to write a blog and just can’t seem to produce or come up with good content? Most likely, we all have good writing days where the words just seem to jump right off your fingertips and onto the computer screen, but there are also days where it is just tough! I want to talk about a few tips and strategies to avoid and deal with writer’s block. After all…

Time is so precious – don’t waste it on writer’s block!


#1. Plan to write during a time that you feel awake

Writing and coming up with stories is a project in itself to undertake on a daily basis. Putting words down to communicate across your thoughts and being tired tend not to mix! Setting aside a bit of time to write when you are most awake makes the best scenario for producing excellent and consistent quality content. Personally, I like to write at night a couple hours before bedtime. Sometimes, I will write in the morning with a cup of coffee right after I wake up and I find that quite enjoyable! Remember, you don’t have to submit your content for blog posting right away. I write multiple posts when the words really are flowing, and then save my blogs on word documents or email the post to myself. This allows me to post on the go at a later time (as long as I have internet access)!


#2. When you think of a fabulous topic for your blog post, jot it down!

I have a little notebook that I throw in my bag, and when I think of ideas, I definitely write them down. For the majority of us, we cannot just stop and type up a whole post whenever a great idea pops in your head. Great topics that you are enthused to write about are one of the main antidotes to writer’s block!

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#3. If you are getting stuck on a certain topic, change shifts and jump topics – just move on!

No need to sit and waste time on something that is just NOT happening at the moment! You can always come back to your first topic at a later time. I sometimes sit down to write with a certain idea in mind and end up preparing a totally different blog! I have a working document on word. I save all the current drafts of blog posts on one giant document. That way, if I’m not feeling a certain topic, I abandon it for the moment and just start writing on a whole new topic (taken from my list in the notebook). This usually works to get rid of that writer’s block, and when I come back later to the original idea I can look at it with a fresh new set of eyes! Writer’s block makes you overthink ideas.

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#4. Go do something else for a while and come back later

You could go on a walk and gather your thoughts or do some chores to be productive! But don’t just sit there if it is really not happening – IT’S OKAY! Because it happens to all of us!


Hope these tip help some of my fellow Steemian bloggers! Thanks for reading and keep on creating!




@polebird you always have the BEST most vivid photos in any of the posts I've seen on steemit! so action-packed and full of life and color and creativity. also, great points on writers block - we all get it at one point or another. I'm on a roll now since I'm almost over being sick and i feel like my energy has been building up and now I'm just wanting to make a bajillion things! so good idea about making multiple posts! might work on that tonight :)

aww thank you for such a kind comment! I definitely am passionate about photography :D (another one of of my hobbies) so I am always experimenting with photos, editing, and getting some interesting shots! I'm so glad you are feeling better and on a roll - that's the best!

yea it really is :) and it definitely shows! I'm also a bit of a photography hobbyist although I've been quite lazy with it as of lately. also most of my pictures are of buildings (us architects are obsessed lol)

Oh God, you are beautiful :) ^_^
In this orange dress really a princess with a painting and I like your All photos
I really liked it and took advantage of it thanking you for this great post

heheh thank you so much! :)

Thank you very much. Im going to get myself a notebook for ideas.

you're most welcome! I think it helps a lot :)

Thanks for sharing all your secrets! Is this a picture you have taken?
Amazing! Very very beautiful... By the way did you know all your dtube videos getting erased after a while? I realize it yesterday... I was on my dtube channel to look after some "old" dtube upload... They was gone! Omg... If you ask me it's big time shit! I was sure if we first upload something to dtube if will stay on the blockchain 4ever like on YouTube so we could earn on it if someone like pr watch it in 3 months or 3 years... But no... Dtube erase it in like 4 weeks... You might like Dlive better? Check it out. https://www.dlive.io/#/ I don't think that just erase all owers videos after a while. One thing I'm sure of is thay don't take 25 present of owers earnings like dtube...Happy days sister you doing well!

hehe yeah! that is me, my friend snapped the photo of me after a hike up to the glacier mountain lake. I didn't realize that, I thought block chain is there forever?? Maybe you can still access it through a post

Killer one the pictures of you 😍 no the videos is all gone... I also thought that.. Well well what to do... Nothing just smile 😊 and keep it up.. Because we don't try we do it... 💪🙏

omg really?! isn't it tied directly to steemit though? do steemit posts erase? curious as to how this happens and why...

Beyoutiful post.
Always use to check your post your post delight me a lot.

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