The end has started

in #blog7 years ago

The end of the extreme cold that is!

This is how I tried to keep out the icy winds this week:


Other random curtains were already taken up by other windows, so this was the best I could do. Next week, I'll be able to take it down and let some more sunlight back into our home.

So, what have I been doing these last few days? Let's see... On friday, we spend quite a lot of time at my boyfriend's barber. See, he didn't make an appointment and a group of four guys had just entered before us, so we had to wait for all of them.


I didn't mind too much though, because this little beauty gave me some attention!


Last time we were there, she was a tiny kitten who was afraid of everything. I let her play with my bag that time, but she was really skittish. No wonder, because she hadn't been there for more than a few days yet.

This time, she was not afraid at all! She was still very playful and she is such a beautiful little cat, isn't she?

It's a nice little addition to having to wait at the barber!


Later that friday, we had dinner at my boyfriend's sister and chatted a bit afterwards. Then it was straight back home, because my boyfriend's best friend came over that evening. We watched some tv and drank some wine. Okay, I drank wine, they drank beer. He had brought over many bottles of special beer and honey herbal wine for me.

Saturday, which was yesterday, I spend some time reading while my boyfriend and his dad processed some wood. We watched a bit of tv and I spend a little time on the pc. My actual pc instead of the notebook! Not that it's very warm yet, so I didn't spend too long on the pc, but still.

Steemit was acting up and had a lot of trouble loading anything, just when I was trying to stream on dlive, so that kinda sucked. I guess not many people noticed it, but that means not many people saw my failed attempt at dying less, so... gotta look at it from the positive side!

Today, I feel quite uninspired. I have no clue what I want to fill my day with, but maybe I'll do some Skyrim later. I would like to make some kind of cookie, but my kitchen is way too cold to spend any time in and my eggs are past their due date, so I'd need new ones. Seeing as this is a very religious area we currently live in, every store is closed on sunday, so no baking today. I'll just make my coconut macaroons thursday or friday to take with us on the family weekend.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

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Steemit was acting up and had a lot of trouble loading anything, just when I was trying to stream on dlive, so that kinda sucked

Same thing happened to me, i actually posted a post during that time and i was afraid nobody would see it, i think one of the steemit nodes was turned off and so the whole Europe was lagging, i talked to some other ppl that were having problems too!! I couldn't comment, upvote, nothing, thank god it's better now!

I couldn't comment, upvote, nothing, thank god it's better now!

Aye, that was so annoying! It happens from time to time and best is to just stay away from Steemit until it blows over. Sad for the posts posted at that time, but oh well!

In the end it made more or less what the other made so i'm ok with it :) hopefully with time my pots will get more than $1-$2.
I ended up going to the gym and when i came back steemit was fixed so i guess it didn't ruin any of my plans!
BTW finally the bad weather passed in my city, today i have a beautiful hot sun with no clouds in sight!

I'm sure your posts will earn more in the future! To be honest, it comes with waves, depending on the whims of people and also on the value of Steem/SBD. I've had good times and I've had bad times. The main reason I'm earning a bit steadier now is because of my work for the gaming community through Curie.

Happy to hear you're having a sunny day! That always lifts spirits :D

Dawww what an awesome idea to have a barber cat hanging around! At least if you had such lovely company. I know that feeling of being uninspired, try to take the day to rest if you can, getting through that cold can really zap your energy, it's ok to take some time to recoup! <3

Right? She's so cute, so now I don't mind waiting there at all :D
Thanks so much for your kind words @dayleeo! I think I'll do some random things in Skyrim and enjoy that for a while. Hope you're doing well!

Trying my best to take my own advice today, had a nice hot shower, some yoga and meditation, feeling pretty down and trapped with this weather, but what can you do! Just gotta take it day by day!

Sounds like you're taking good care of yourself. I hope you'll feel better soon!

I woke up refreshed and ready for a busy day of cleaning the house. It's needed after letting it all slide due to not wanting to be in cold areas ;-)

haha i know what you mean, when I'm cold I want to curl up into a ball of nothingness!

When i saw the end has started, i rush down thinking otherwise lol @playfulfoodie you got me scared. Still laughing

Oops, sorry for that! :D

Yes, she is a beautiful cat. :c)

That was quite some improvisation going on. I trust that you have a battle plan for the next Winter?

Maybe seasonally mine coins on AMD processors? ;cP

Joking aside, do you have plans to weather another Winter in that home?

We have a few plans for the next winter. Mostly my boyfriend wants to improve isolation on the windows with some isolation strips. He also wants to see if he can get some... ehm... see-through boards (I completely forgot the name of the material) custom-made so we can put them in the windows, basically making it a cheap double-glass.

Thing is, I don't want to spend too much, because I mainly just want to save up so we can buy our own house sooner :-)

Ah... something like 'plexiglass'. Yes that does make sense.

Of course, the absolute cheapest alternatives include the flexible transparent plastic fabrics that are used on top of tables to protect the runners underneath from spills.

Another option is partitioning your living space such that only an inner sanctum is kept a comfortable temperature. That reduces heating bills. So does wearing layers. ^_^

All the best with your ambitions for a new home!

Yes, that's it I think, plexiglass.

Yeah, I read about plastic to put in front of the window aswell. But then when I checked it out more, they said you need a blow dryer to get it smooth and it's a bit of a hassle. I then figured 'I can't do this!' and closed the browser tabs.

Partitioning the living space would be nice indeed! Sadly, that's not really possible here (without spending some serious money and effort). Layers help indeed! I lived with double socks, double shirts and double vests last week :D

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