The adventures of yesterday - Selling a house and eating sushi

in #blog8 years ago

Yesterday was a long and busy day. A bit stressful, but with some nice moments inbetween.


My boyfriend has been living with me for about a year now. He's been wanting to sell his house for a couple of months (it's quite expensive to have a house that no one is living in), so last week, he finally called an estate agent. The meeting was set for wednesday (yesterday).

As you might have read in one of my previous posts, my car broke down this weekend. It's at the mechanic, but he can't figure out what's wrong with it yet, meaning we are still without a car. So we were forced to go with public transportation, yet again.

I don't mind public transport. It's gotten me where I needed to go many, many times. My experiences with it yesterday were a bit less positive though.

Anyway, we decided not to cycle to the train station, as it was very windy and rainy. So we walked to the bus stop, got on a bus and got off at the train station. I added some extra funds to my card and then we waited for the train. Now on a weekday, it is generally quite busy on the train. People going to work, students going to school. I think it was our railroad company, NS, that stated that it might be better for students to have flexible hours. As in, start an hour or two later, so the people are better distributed throughout the day. This way, people would not have to stand as much.


This was the train. They used just one cart at around 10:30 in the morning. I'm all for distributing travelling throughout the day to make things less busy, but anticipate for it! I remember traveling by train weekly or even multiple times a week. Sure, you had to stand sometimes, during busy hours, even with loads of carts in use. I could understand that. What I cannot understand is that, lately, it seems as though standing in the train is a normal occurence. It's not only during busy hours where it can't be helped. They brag about having bought more carts to transport all of these people, but where are these carts throughout the day?

Anyway, I was feeling like shit (headache, nausea) and my boyfriend had managed to grab us one seat, so he gave that to me. I felt really bad for him though, as his back had been hurting him for over a week now, so standing for 45 minutes wasn't good for him, either.

We entered the station where we had to switch trains and walked to the next one. It was about to go, so we ran the last part (also, it rained quite hard, which helps with wanting to run). This 10 minute train ride was way better.


We entered the end station, walked to the bus and got on it. It was a short drive. We got off and walked to my boyfriend's house. It was quite warm inside the house! The heating acts up, heating up the house, even though we set it to 15 degrees celcius.

Great, another thing we need someone to take a look at.

We walked over to a snackbar, grabbed ourselves a (very tasty) burger and then rushed back home, where the estate agent had just arrived. We showed him the house, he told us the things that we needed to fix up, before putting it on the market, explained some things to us and off he went again.

The toilet is broken, so we need to get that fixed. There's a few parts we need to re-paint and, ofcourse, we need to clean up everything. Overall, though, the prices he came up with were around what I was expecting, though he priced it on the positive side of where I was at. I was quite pleased with that.

We were both quite tired, but we had decided to go for sushi at the place we never went to before, so we still had a couple of hours to kill.


We walked back to the train station, drove the 10 minute train ride back to the big city, and started wandering around.

When we were tired of wandering around (and all the rain), my boyfriend told me we should go to this pub he used to frequent with his buddy. The Irish pub that served Guiness. So that's where we went to wait, untill we could go for sushi (which was right across the street). He had a Guiness, obviously, and I had a mint tea!


Oh, by the way, I'm sorry for the picture quality. My phone is horrible in bad lighting conditions...

We had heard about this sushi place from a couple of people. They said this was the best place for sushi. We had both really wanted to try it for a while now, so we were very excited to finally be able to try!

My boyfriend ordered some hot sake and I ordered a glass of plum wine (very sweet, yum!). Then we ordered our first round of sushi.

I always love eel nagiri and they had a delicious looking eel maki aswell, which I started with, together with some grilled salmon nagiri. Now we have a good sushi restaurant in the city we live in aswell and I have to say, it gives this place good competition. The salmon was different, but not really better than what I know from here. The eel though... oh gosh the eel... it was delicious! Definitely the best I've had so far. The mushrooms, however, were too salty to my taste, so my city wins there.


All in all, definitely a great place for sushi, but compared to the place in our city, it's just different. I'd order different kinds of dishes, depending on the restaurant, because they both have their specialties for me.

After dinner, we walked back to the train station, my boyfriend got himself a starbucks coffee (yuck, coffee) and then we entered the train. Again, we had to run the last part, because it was about to close its doors on us. How lucky we were to catch it!

So now we just had to figure out how to get home from the train station in our city. The bus schedules have been switched up again and there's another bus company for part of the buses. It is a bit of a mess in the evenings. Having to call an hour ahead of time for them to actually drive and such... Ofcourse we did not find out about that in time. We managed to catch a bus that got us halfway home. We could have waited 10 minutes for another one to take us a bit closer, but my boyfriend was fine with walking the extra bit.

Atleast, that's what he told me...

The poor guy was hurting all over, singing Nobody knows the troubles I've seen... multiple times throughout our walk. It was about an hour after we had entered the train station that we were finally back home. Tired, legs hurting, we lay down, watched some tv and went to bed early.

Oh yes, it was an exhausting day, but we had fun aswell. I'm a lucky girl, having found this guy that can bring joy and happiness in busy and difficult times! There's lots still to be done for the house, but we'll get through it. Heck, we might have to do it again for my house within half a year, if our plans come through. We'll get through it all, together.

As I was writing this, I have just been informed that my car will probably be fixed by the end of the day, hurray! It's not exactly a cheap fix, but what can you do... I like (and need) my car in working condition. It might be a small car, but it's a great one to drive!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you're enjoying your day!


I will resteem this tomorrow if I remember I have alheimers (j/k). You do not need a huge bunch of people just a few true friends :)

Congrats ;)

Hah, sounds familiar ;-)
That's definitely true! God, I can't even imagine how busy I'd get if I had loads of people in my life. I'd go crazy! Just a few good friends sounds way better.

My positive Karma thoughts @ U, please try and enjoy life !!!

It is great to find nice seeming people in the world instead of just "humans" :)

hugz/ ;)

Haha, yes it is indeed! :D

Keep your spirits up Lady, be kind to yourself; try and get some rest :)

I will try and remember to Resteem :) Tomorrow...

Aww thank you :-)

I resteemed :)

That is so sweet, thank you!

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