The adventures of last week - Vacation part 2

in #blog7 years ago

More about our little vacation!

Read the previous part here.

On tuesday, we weren't really sure what to do. We ended up looking up things in the area, but not actually doing anything. I didn't want another day of that, so I decided that on wednesday, we'd visit Utrecht.


In the morning, we walked over to the bus stop. It was really close by and the bus would take us directly to Utrecht. How convenient! We got on the bus and noticed it making a horrible noise. This bus looked an aweful lot like the busses I used to take to school 10-15 years ago...

After a couple of minutes, I got sick of the noise. Besides the weird bus noise, a baby also started crying with its strong set of lungs. We still had an hour more of this to go! So I told my boyfriend we'd get out at the next stop and wait for the next bus.


10 minutes into our trip and already back outside...

Not a problem, there were four busses an hour, so we didn't have to wait long. It was sunny aswell, so who cares!

We got on the next bus, which was way more modern (it had fake wooden floors, how luxurious!) and quiet. Great! This would take us where we wanted to go.

When we entered the station and our stop, I was hungry. I only had half an apple for breakfast (I can't eat much in the morning), so I needed more. The station in Utrecht is really big and it holds loads of places to buy food. How lucky am I!

We had recently talked about the fact that there weren't a lot of Burger Kings around where we live. McDonalds can be found everywhere, but Burger King mostly sticks to big train stations. This is a horrible crime to humanity, because Burger King burgers are so much better than McDonalds burgers. I need to make work of this, but who has the time?

Anyway, Utrecht train station had a Burger King, so this was the next part of my breakfast:


Don't judge me.

After the delicious breakfast, we were on our way again! The train station has a shopping mall added to it, which has been updated since I was last there. It's pretty big and you really have no reason to even leave the station if you just want to do some shopping.

We were there to see a bit of the city though, so we went out and found a little market. It smelled like fish. We kept on walking, until we found water. That's where we wanted to be!


Around this water, there are many shops and down on the water side, there are restaurants. Many, many restaurants.


It's a really nice place and part of me wanted to just sit down, order a minty tea and cheesecake and enjoy the sun.

The other part of me reminded me we shouldn't spend too much money, because it was a very expensive month. This same part also reminded me we had to be back in time to unlock the door before my mum got home. And it had also seen a nice icecream parlor back at the train station... This part of me made good points, therefor it won.

So we kept on walking and viewing the city. I made a couple more pictures, which I will show you in a next post!

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I liked your post))) I wish you a good time)))

Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Have a good day :D

And thank you)))

Are you on vacation in Netherlands?

Great you've made it to Utrecht. Very nice city, and you've been to the canal right in the city centre. If you like a really small town + castle, you may like to go to Muiden and Muidenslot (the castle). Amsterdam is super nice as well, but I guess you've been there as well. I can give you tips if you like.

But, hey, what about the food? McDonalds or Burger King. We have soooooo much nicer burgers in Amsterdam! At "Burgermeester" for instance, or "Cannibale Royal". Soooo much nicer, so much more real meat, so much better bun and without everything that is generally too much on either McDonalds or Burger King burgers and also no sauces you taste the next morning still.

Anyways, let me know if you like some tips for visiting nice places in and around Amsterdam, Utrecht or so.

I live in the Netherlands, but further up north :-)

I had only visited Utrecht once before, so it was really nice to be back there and see the city again. Never been to Muiden though! We'll live a bit closer to there in a couple of months, so I'll probably plan some day trips later on!

I've never really checked out many burger places to be honest. My boyfriend and me are more into sushi, so if we are looking for a nice dinner, that's what we'll look for. I'm guessing Burgermeester or Cannibale Royal will ask a bit more for their burgers than Mc or Burger King, so it'll be a proper dinner thing?

Not really, I think those places is similar prices, maybe slightly more expensive, but will not be like 10-15 Euro for a burger, more like 5/6/7/8 Euro. Check them out here: and But hese are just examples, so many more nice places to eat in Amsterdam and Utrecht fro not that much money.

Ooh yeah that's not all that expensive. Just a bit more than Mc and Burger King, but that's what you get for better quality. Thing is though, as soon as I see brownie on the menu... I want that instead ;-)

I'm not sure when I'll return there. It's been so long since I've last been to Amsterdam. I think I do have to go there with my camera some day, but it just doesn't call out to me. There's still so many other place I want to visit aswell! Oh well, we do have to do more city trips. I'll be sure to ask you once it's on the agenda :D

Kingsday maybe? :) Although Amsterdam was great with Queensdays, since last couple of years they push a lot of the nice things (at least what I like) to the outskirts of Amsterdam :( But still, Jordaan can be fun, for those who like the laid back, bar type of party atmosphere.

Just give a shoot when you plan to visit the area. Where you living?

I live all the way up in Drenthe :-)

I don't really like big crowds, so I will avoid Kingsday. We have a lot of things to do, before we can sell my boyfriend's house still, so until then, we don't have a lot of time or money for trips. I promised myself that, once it gets sold, we'll go on a proper vacation to a nice country! Once things settle down a bit (we still need to move in a few months and then sell my house), we'll have way more time and funds for fun trips like this :D

Cool! :)
Create a couple of more posts a day here on Steemit, and you may get the extra funds for some extra nice and fun stuff to do. Although I must say, the time it cost to get generate some funds on Steemit is for me far below minimum wage :) But still fun to do; I guess thats is the main reason I'm here :)

Success with all the things you need to do around the house and all!

Thank you!

Yes, it is indeed far below minimum wage, but fun to do. Steemit helps me in keeping up my English skills and increasing my writing skills, so that's a big plus besides the currency :D

It's also fun to share experiences and I love giving my pictures some extra attention aswell!

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