Hot and sunny

in #blog6 years ago

That's the weather today, hot and sunny.

Header sunrise

I sat outside, reading a book for a little while this morning, same as yesterday. Other than that, I'm spending most of my time inside. It quickly becomes too hot out. I'm glad we have this weather for a couple of days though!

So, this morning was a stressful one for my boyfriend. He had locked the keys in the car yesterday apparently, so this morning he had to call roadside assistance to help him unlock the car. He got to work an hour later than usual and had to cancel an appointment because of it.

I spent some time on the pc, mostly on Steemit to find some good gaming posts to curate. I only found one though, since the quality of written gaming posts is pretty bad lately. Either the quality itself isn't what we're looking for, or there's plagiarism. Our new team of gaming curators has created clear guidelines for ourselves to follow and we are all quite disappointed to see such lack in original, good quality posts. There's a few good authors though, but most of them are already well rewarded, so they don't need our vote.

Oh by the way, we started inviting the gaming community to our Archdruid gaming Discord chat, so any gamer is welcome to chat with the community here:

It's in no means a post promotion channel though, so please only join for the community.

I found plenty of plagiarists this morning! I've spend too much of my VP on flagging them, which is quite annoying, because I want to use my VP for upvotes. These serial plagiarists are still above 25 reputation, so I guess I'll keep an eye on them for now. I previously reported them to steemcleaners, but they seem pretty overwhelmed with their work, so they don't have as big an effect as I would have hoped. They did check them out though and honestly, with the amount of plagiarism going on on this platform, I can imagine this being a huge job for them. Happy to have them here, trying to keep the platform clean!

I'm hoping the gaming tag will slowly lose some of its bad quality and plagiarism posts to make room for good quality, original content. Plagiarists should eventually notice there's nothing to gain from the tag anymore, right?

I'm still struggling with video posts though. I never watch videos. Not here, not anywhere. Never did, never want to, for any genre. Honestly, as far as I've noticed, many are just gameplay videos without voice/reviews/opinions/etc. (like the ones I make) and I don't feel those qualify for Curie anyway.

Either way, Curie gaming curation is back with a new team and we are very much focused on higher standards. I'm happy with this team and hope the gaming tag will clean itself up a little. Only time will tell!

In other news, I think I'll do some designing today. I've got a neat idea I want to try out. I'll share it in the future if it turns out to actually be a good idea. Other than that, I'm just doing laundry. Did most household chores yesterday.

I should hear today or tomorrow about the value of our dream house. I'm so eager to hear it, because I really want this house, but I'm trying not to be too enthousiastic until I know for sure we can get the finances in order. Just a little while longer...

Oh, and lastly, my boyfriend has thursday and friday off, so that's cool! We'll have a nice, long weekend together. I'm sure there will be plenty of gaming involved!

Have a good day!

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My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

Fair warning: Beggars, copy/paste comments and obvious bot comments will get flagged.


Interesting to read about the gaming side of Steemit @playfulfoodie. Sadly it sounds pretty similar to everywhere else with the plagiarism and spam.

I most often stumble across gaming stuff in the form of people showing up in my feed playing games on DLive.

Hope it doesn't get too hot so as not to be able to enjoy the outsides later! 😁

Sadly it sounds pretty similar to everywhere else with the plagiarism and spam.

Yeah, it's so sad. I wish everyone here would try to work towards the best for the platform, which is best for the price, which is best for all of us in the long run.

Oh well, human nature, shouldn't be too surprising :-)

Exactly @playfulfoodie. I'm just taking it a day at a time. I think it's worth investing in Steem but Steemit . . . I'm not so sure so I'm making the most of it while I can. 😊

I think it's worth investing in Steem but Steemit . . . I'm not so sure so I'm making the most of it while I can.

I agree with you 100% there :D

Oh wow, that's really interesting to hear about, that the overall quality of posts in gaming isn't high right now

Actually that's how I discovered you, when you graciously upvoted me on a post I did, haha

This gives me some ideas for doing some more gaming type posts in the future, I think... but yeah, writing up posts that are even half decent needs time to plan and write...

but yeah, writing up posts that are even half decent needs time to plan and write...

Definitely! I know it's hard to do that sometimes. But hey, it does tend to work out well eventually (even though it's frustrating when plenty of your good posts get overlooked).

I understand that the search for quality content is complicated with so much plagiarism and poor quality content, in fact I belong to a group where we are dedicated to detect this type of abuse but what we do is teach them to do things well then we follow up on his profile, and if the user continues with the bad behavior, he is left a warning flag, the point is that generally, the users do not understand well how steemit works and they make mistakes like others who pass themselves off as ready and end they fall under their own weight.

I would be willing to give a flag in really extreme cases, it is unfortunate to have to spend the VP on negative votes.

And I like that now has new healing equipment but if it would be good to know what guidelines to follow what is the difference between the cures of today and before?

Hiya Playful, said I'd check in on you this week so here I am. Glad to know you're enjoying reading time and what seems to be a quality pace of life.

I was saying to shadow literally this morning how much I appreciate having friends in all kinds of corners of steemit. I learn so much from having a balanced view of what happens around here.

As you know I'm by default offering advice in my genre of work and that's a uphill struggle against plagiarism too. So I hear you on the frustrations as well as the appreciation of steemcleaners. If only they could zap all the pic spammers it would make this place so much better for all.

Here's to holding out that they will see there's no gain to be had from wasting time, energy and bandwidth on shit-posting. Oh well.

Cool that you're running a gamers discord too, I wish I'd make more time to play though with little man we been going outside a lot. He's not into that yet lol.

While you're next on discord please would you stop by the SMG as we have a new voting process which would appreciate your input. If you don't have time anymore that's fine too, you could just let me know here. Thanks :)

Here's to holding out that they will see there's no gain to be had from wasting time, energy and bandwidth on shit-posting. Oh well.

Exactly! :-)

Cool that you're running a gamers discord too, I wish I'd make more time to play though with little man we been going outside a lot. He's not into that yet lol.

I'd say enjoy playing outside, it's definitely much healthier than gaming. I'm sure there'll come a time where you wish you were back playing outside ;-)

While you're next on discord please would you stop by the SMG as we have a new voting process which would appreciate your input. If you don't have time anymore that's fine too, you could just let me know here. Thanks

I've been so busy with other things lately, I really neglect most of the Discord channels I'm in. I'm in too may to be honest, so I'm losing focus. I'll admit I forgot I'm even in the SMG Discord channel! I'll try to check it out soon, though at this moment I don't have the time for it.

I got you, well thanks for replying here. I get that and it's cool to be busy if you're doing what you love. I'll move you to a sleeping role unless you decide to leave which if fine too. That way we won't factor you into the community majority votes.

You're right too, we love being outside though it's starting to be summer here now and it's literally too hot for us all! Lol so yeah at some point games will be on again for me, he's a few years away still lol :)

It is unfortunate that they bring plagiarism and spam to Steemit. It really is a problem to find good articles in gaming tag, because there are many junk items in it.

I think everyone, as members of Steemit, should be a little conscious, just using the tag gaming when necessary, since the incorrect use of tags is a reality that affects us all.

Maybe, as a solution to all this, you should create a double-tag filter to find posts that are not to spam, I suppose that will improve Steemit in the future.

I'll take a look at the community :D

Maybe, as a solution to all this, you should create a double-tag filter to find posts that are not to spam

I would definitely like more filter options for the article feed, though a double-tag filter probably wouldn't do much good, spam/plagiarism-wise. I'd like extra filter options based on views, reputation, stake, pending payout and that sort of thing. So I could filter out the extremely highs and lows when I look for good people who deserve extra rewards.

Have you tried I understand that there may be more control over the filters, I have not tried it, but some friends have recommended it to me.

Maybe you could try to navigate from there and see how everything evolves, I think I'll also start to try it.

Hmm I tried busy once, but I'm not too big on changes, so I quickly switched back to Steemit :D

Our new team of gaming curators has created clear guidelines for ourselves to follow

Where can I find those guidelines?

I have been thinking about creating video game content but not sure how to approach this.

I never watch videos

In my case I do watch videos about the games I am interested in only to confirm if I like the gameplay.

Right now I have been just playing a little bit of Civilization VI and The Evil Within 2 :P

The guidelines are for curation purposes and as such won't be shared in public. We might write up some info/advice in the future though. Honestly though, the biggest thing here is just to write your own, original content.

In my case I do watch videos about the games I am interested in only to confirm if I like the gameplay.

Well, that does sound like a good use for watching videos! I might even utilize them for exactly that purpose in the future :-)

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