Foodie's busy day

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

There are many empty beer bottles sitting on my table. I choose to ignore them.

Header sunrise

I mean, I'm sure my fiance can clear them out once he wakes up, right? I've got plenty of other cleaning chores waiting for me today.

We had a busy day yesterday. A good, but busy day.

My mum slept over, so she was here in the morning. After she left, we headed out to the city.

See, we had plans. Once we would get the keys from our new house, in two weeks time, we would measure the living room and then visit Ikea to find fitting furniture. However, once we have the keys to the new house, we'll be pretty busy even without visiting furniture stores. So I wanted to check some out yesterday.

First, we headed over to a big hardware/gardening store. There, we found our perfect loungeset for in the garden. It was really comfortable and it'll be great for our terrace!

After, we visited Ikea. We checked out furniture and found a few potential candidates for a smaller salon table and tv cabinet. We also tried out our best couch candidate and both agreed we need that couch for our new home. So now all we need to do on the big day is to measure up the place and we could even order the things online if need be.

We had lunch there too. Tasty pulled salmon on bread and I also had a muffin. Which I took home with me, because I couldn't finish both.

It was a good outing in more than one way, because it also kept us away from home for most of the time the neighbours were around.

After Ikea, we went to the grocery store and got some things for our small party on our wedding day. We'll pick up the last of it tomorrow.

Then in the evening, my fiance's friend came over. We watched The Dark Tower and Spiderman: Homecoming and they drank beer. During Spiderman, I dozed off a few times and after, we went to bed.

Today I'll be cleaning up the house somewhat and tomorrow we have an appointment with my insurance company to make sure our new house will be properly insured. We'll probably visit the amusement park after that, because we'll be in the neighbourhood anyway. It won't be open for long though, so it'll just be a quick visit.

And the day after that... marrying!

Oh right, should get my fiance to visit a barber tomorrow...

Now, where's my tea?

Have a good day!

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Haha your fiance seems like a fun guy to hang out with lol. Amazing photo too! Thanks for sharing :)

Wait, what? Your wedding is just 2 days away? That's amazing! And so exciting, I didn't realise it was so soon. Aw, another June wedding, we celebrated our anniversary just last week, well 10 days ago now).

Visiting a barber is a good idea hehehe

Whenever Frank leaves his empty glasses (of anything) or beer bottles lying around, I leave them for him. Sometimes I'll do it, and it's fine, but if there was a big do and lots of drinking happened, I leave it to him.

We did our chores just the other day, it was due. Let's try to keep it extra clean longer this time lol (sure, right?).

Oh yes, tomorrow's the big day! I'm really happy :D

It's an addition to the line of celebrations I have every year. It's now as followed:

19 june - wedding day
20 june - my birthday
21 june - my mum's birthday

Told my fiance he might aswell get that week off of work every year by now!

I let chores sit for too long sometimes, but having people over is a good reason to pick up the slack :D

Yes, he best take the whole week off :p

Usually Frank takes the week off in June too since we celebrate our together anniversary the 5th and our wedding anniversary the 7th, but I forgot to remind him this year lol I know that he gets caught up and forgets what days we are sometimes, which happens to me too lol

At the end of June is another one where it's best to take the week off. The 24th is St-Jean Baptiste Day (Quebec's Birthday), Canada Day is on July 1st, and Frank'S birthday is on July 3rd. This year he took 5 weeks off. This is his last week before his vacation.

Ooh 5 whole weeks, that sounds awesome!

Oh yes, and ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!! Have the best wedding EVER! I wish you so much happiness! It goes by so fast so just enjoy every moment of it and don't worry too much about all the details (I remember being way too stressed).

Can't wait to see the pictures!

Thank you so much! Luckily we had a very quick one with just our parents. Family came over at our home during the day, so it all was really laid-back :D

Aw I'm glad it went well :)

Sounds like a really fun day @playfulfoodie.

So exciting you're only two days away from your wedding. Hope you get a bit of rest and relaxation in today before the big one! 😊

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! 💙

Hello, Marian. I hope this is a pleasant chore :) Tell me what do you think about marriage? Do you think that after the wedding a new life begins? Or basically for you there will be no changes?

I don't feel marriage itself will bring big changes. We've been together for 2,5 years already and lived together most of that time. The bigger change is the house we're buying a week later!

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