Foodie placed a bid

in #blog6 years ago

A day of research and chatting with his co-workers did my boyfriend good and when he returned home after work yesterday, he was completely back on board!

Header sunrise

That's right, we both want the house, so I send out our bid to the real estate agent who's selling the place for her client.

We're not taking many chances, because the house market right now is way too hot. No lowball offer from us, because we'd risk them taking their sweet time to find a better deal. Instead, I'm trying to add some outdoor furniture to the deal. That will mean less spending for us aswell and it would mean less hassle during the move for the seller.

So now, I'm just waiting to hear back from the real estate agent to see if they accept our offer and agree with our terms.

In the meanwhile, I've been playing quite a lot of ESO these last few days. Somehow, I still manage to stay behind my boyfriend with leveling though. He enjoys lockpicking a lot and you earn xp from that. I enjoy the simpler stealing which doesn't give any xp, just items which you can sell for gold. Lockpicking is too stressful for me, what if I get caught!

The weather is awesome this week! Lots of sun and warm temperatures. It's still coldish during mornings, but with the sun warming up the house later in the day, I refuse to use the woodstove for warmth in the morning. I've got my blanket and am just patiently waiting for warmer hours.

I'm standing at my desk now (I can adjust the height), so that makes sure I get less cold from being still. It's also a lot healthier than just sitting down all day.

I cleaned up our dining table, because we've got people coming over for dinner tonight. My boyfriend's dad is making dinner, but he wanted us to eat here. His guest brought a dog with him, so he figured it'd be easier for the dog to stay over there and for us to eat here. My boyfriend's sister is also coming here with the kids. It'll be nice!

This weekend, we'll be going to visit Germany with my boyfriend's best friend. There's an Ingress (game) event there which he wanted to attend and we decided to join him. A trip to Germany always sounds good. The weather should still be fine by then, though a little less warm than the rest of the week. There should still be plenty of sun and no rain, which is most important if you're going to be gaming outside.

Well, so far for my update. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the house!

Have a good day!

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My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

Fair warning: Beggars, copy/paste comments and obvious bot comments will get flagged.


Sounds like things are moving along quickly for you, how exciting!
We took the new bike out for the first time this weekend. Since I got so many great pics I went ahead and put a few on EyeEm. Thanks for the tip.
I have also been hibernating in the mornings to keep warm. Will your new place have a wood stove? I hope you can get moved over summer, winter moving is horrid.

Happy to hear you're making good use of EyeEm! Our new place won't have a wood stove, instead, it will have regular, central heating, so we can keep it much warmer during winter. It is also isolated well, so I'll be much more comfortable in winter!

That's exciting news @playfulfoodie. How long do you think it will be before you hear back from the real estate agent?

Glad to hear the weather's picked up for you too. It's gorgeous here at the moment!

Enjoy your dinner party! 😍

We heared back from her yesterday and they accepted our offer! :D

Wow. That was fast @playfulfoodie. I am sooooo excited for you both! 😍

So fast! It still has to hit me I think. I spent the days before trying not to get too enthousiastic about the house, because I wasn't sure we'd get it and now, I still have to tell myself "It's alright now, you basically have it!".

Thank you :D

Ha, ha, ha! A woman after my own heart! I can totally relate to that. 😍

Hello friend @playfulfoodie that also bothers me, of course if you see that you can not make a comment, do not do it

Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

The words are nice, however:

Now I will quote myself:

Fair warning: Beggars, copy/paste comments and obvious bot comments will get flagged.

Need I say more?

I see I'm not the only one annoyed by this one. I actually DID upvote your post, BTW!

Haha, thank you very much!

I have to say, it feels like these sorts of comments have declined a bit. I'm not sure if that's really the case or if I've just grown more immune to them and ignore them more. I still like to give an example now and then though :-)

I have also had spammers that copy/paste a line from my own post as if it constituted a comment.

Hmm, I don't think I've seen that on my posts yet. I did see it on other posts though. Sad they sometimes earn an upvote through spamming, but hey, atleasts others are there to balance it out and keep their rep low.

I keep wondering if is laziness or what, at least if you cant make a comment, just let the post be

I completely agree :-)

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