Foodie has a bad habit

in #blog6 years ago

Oh yes, I've got a bad habit and I need to quit it!

Header sunrise

So I'm home alone most weekdays. On those days, I always try to spend some time on Steemit, writing a post, reading a few posts, replying to comments and curating. besides that, I also spend time doing household chores and I fill the extra time with watching shows on Netflix.

I can't wait for us to get the keys to our new place, because I'll feel much more free to head outside and into my own backyard. Finally I'll have my own place with plenty of privacy, instead of having to share a space. We'll also be living in a beautiful area in which I can take awesome walks and I hope I'll get some inspiration to pick up my photography hobby again.

We're not there yet though, so for now, I spend most of my time inside, which is where I feel most comfortable, since this is the only place I won't risk running into other people.

I'm not completely okay with how I live now, but there's an end in sight, so who cares! I'm keeping myself busy with the pc and Netflix. However, there's one nasty habit I got into that I really should quit.

You see, while watching Netflix, I also play phone games.

Phone games are okay on occasion, but I spend way too much time on them! It's hard to watch a show without reaching for my phone. Now you might think 'Well, as long as you're having fun, what's the big deal?'. The thing is, my head feels full and fuzzy most days and I'm suspecting it's because I'm doing two things at once.

I don't like a fuzzy head. It's a flashback to my burnout days and something I can do without. Doing two things at once isn't always a big deal, but it's something you shouldn't do too often and something you should really avoid after having had a burnout. I just feel like my brain will never be able to handle as much as it used to, so I need to be careful.

So, I need to quit my bad habit!

We're going into a long weekend now, filled with lots of activities. Half of the time I won't even be home, so I won't have a lot of chances to pick up my phone. That's cool, but I need to stop myself from reaching for it on slow days aswell!

I haven't made a plan yet, but I figured writing about it here and calling myself out is a good first step. I know in our new place I'll have more distractions, but I don't want to wait until then to kick this habit. I don't want to go cold turkey either, but I need to slow myself down. Maybe make a deal with myself to only do one thing at a time. If I want to play a game, fine, then the tv needs to be turned off. Maybe that will help!

Yes, that's a good idea. I'll try that. Luckily, I'll first have 5 days filled with distraction.

/random post

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Gold star for noticing you're doing this and for wanting to change it, without beating yourself up about it @playfulfoodie.

I would suggest having your netflix access and your phone in separate rooms, so when you're watching netflix it would take an effort to get to your phone. If you really need to answer it for any reason, then the added exercise will be good for you!

And, as you say, turn off the tele when you play phone games.

Now it's warmer and you don't need to hug the stove then this should be easier (or at least more comfortable) to do. 😍

Very good idea @gillianpearce! I should just keep my phone close to the pc when I'm watching television. That should help make things easier :-)

Kudos to you for having the courage to call yourself out!

This is the attitude that is the best antidote to forming an addiction. A much needed natidote, in my opinion. We need more of it in the society.

Multitasking can really mess with the head, it's good to focus on one thing at a time, otherwise you might miss an important scene on Netflix

Which mobile games do you find are more likely to trap your attention? Haha

I used to play phone games. Not so much now.

I'm playing a lot of Gardenscape lately. It's a little bit like bejeweled with some extras.

I too have that habit of doing two things at the same time, there's always that feeling that I don't do enough things in the day, I know I should stop but...

Yeah, it's a real bad habit, I think today's society kind of breeds this kind of behaviour, but we should really quit it!

Habits are better broken when replaced. Too often we all try to stop them without finding substitutions that are rooted in our own priorities, goals, dreams. We have to find things we believe in, things we love to do, and do those things. When I think of eating ice-cream, and I love it, I can agree with myself with how I love it.

But I can also train myself and focus on eating garlic or in doing other things first. I can tell myself that I can always eat it later. I can procrastinate on my bad habits. And we all know how to do what we do not want to do. But more so, we all know how to not do what we do want to do. So e can use all of that to our advantage by navigating ourselves through our mood swings and everything.

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