Good afternoon Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

I know I'm late, but it couldn't be helped.

See, my mum was staying over and remember that we wanted to go to Ikea and the garden center for christmassy stuff? Well we didn't do that thursday because of bad milk. So we went today instead!

Let's start at the beginning, which is yesterday. We ordered pizza for dinner, because our bottle of gas was empty. We have a new one now and just hooked it up. Our very first time, so I hope it went alright and nothing's leaking.

After dinner, my boyfriend and me went to his sister, which is where their dad now is. He fell on thursday and now one of his legs hurt too much to walk on it. It's not broken, but it's not right either. If the pain doesn't subside a bit soon, he'll go back to the doctor.

We were there for a while. My boyfriend's sister had to go soon after we arrived, but their other sister was there to take care of the kids. So I watched some Youtube movies with our little nephew, which was quite annoying, because he kept starting new movies after only 5 seconds into one! Later, he had to go to bed and that woke up the baby. My boyfriend's sister brought her downstairs and I fed her, so she could take care of our nephew again.

After all that, we went back home to the cabin and my mum. This morning, we had tea and breakfast, then my mum and me got into the car to go to Ikea. She bought us a kitchen island as a house warming gift and a thank you for her sleeping here once every two weeks for her course. How sweet is that? The kitchen island was quite troublesome though!

So we walked to where the kitchen island was supposed to be in the big warehouse, but it wasn't there! We walked to one of the computers and I searched for the name. It told us we had to talk to an employee, so we went searching for one. He checked things out for us and told us the product was put on hold. They weren't selling it at the moment! So he called someone to ask why this was and they told him "Oh no, it's fine, the hold is over and we can sell it again.". So he printed us a receipt and told us to pay for it and then pick it up at the service point.

Great! So we bought our other things and gave the receipt, but the lady at the counter couldn't get it to work. We had to go to the service point to see if they could help us with this. So... off we were to the service point! We told them about the whole situation and they started looking into it. No, they couldn't get it to work either! The system wouldn't let us buy this thing, because it was still on hold.

Many phone calls and chats amongst employees later, it finally worked! Smiles all around! So now I just had to wait for them to pick the order and then we could be on our way.

Our one hour stay at the service point had atleast gotten us our awesome kitchen island!

By then, we were quite hungry and decided to just go to the garden center next door, instead of our first choice. Well, we checked out the small christmas department (small compared to what we are used to), I picked two little decorations and then we found out this garden center didn't have a place to drink/eat!

So off we were again, to the other garden center! But on our way there, I saw the McDonalds and told my mum they have many sweets there now aswell. That's when we decided to just skip the other garden center and eat at McDonalds instead!


Oh my gosh, my lunch was so very much not healthy at all, but it was very tasty!

After that, we drove back home. My boyfriend helped us unload the car (I was sooo happy the island fit in there!) and then we had tea. After that, my mum left to drive back home and we went to the neighbours to buy some veggies for dinner this weekend.

Tomorrow, we'll have to build the island! I'll be sure to show you the end result afterwards.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

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I am happy to read that you are much better, nothing better than saying goodbye to an illness and having fun with the family. I see that I'm not the only one who gets lost with directions and maps. Hahaha.

I also enjoyed a good pizza today, I had time without eating one.

Ooh yum! What kind of pizza did you have?

After discussing so much between corn and pineapple, we decided to eat corn pizza. I really do not understand how they eat pizza with pineapple, hahaha.

Oh no, I don't like warm pineapple on pizza either!

@playfulfoodie, Happy good afternoon. here in our country is now "good night" time. very nicely written article and your whole story with your mom and with your boyfriend. looks much tasty your lunch at McDonald. love it.

Thank you @rabeel! It was a fun day :-)
Have a good night!

because he kept starting new movies after only 5 seconds into one!

At least he made you watch a bunch of movies although just their preview but you did watch it lol and do have a nice weekend as well

Oh my gosh, my lunch was so very much not healthy at all, but it was very tasty!

You know most of us do wish we could literally take a bite from all the snacks and food you do upload here

At least he made you watch a bunch of movies although just their preview but you did watch it lol

Hah, that I did! The frustrating part was that he was going through movies of amusement park rides and some of those rides are actually quite pretty. All we saw were introductions of the kids who were going to rate the rides :D

You know most of us do wish we could literally take a bite from all the snacks and food you do upload here

I do hope so! My food photography could still use some improvements, but I hope it looks tasty either way !

Hey Foodie are you Australian? your writing seems really familiar haha.

Hi! No I'm not Australian actually, I'm Dutch :-)

Oh really, you write like an Australian haha, your English is pretty good for being dutch man.

Haha, that's really fun to hear! Thanks too, I guess it's because many things are English lately. My mum is great with the German language, because when she was younger, tv was either Dutch or German. Now, tv is Dutch or English with Dutch subtitles and I used to enjoy BBC, which was English and English subtitles if I wanted. Music's in English and the fantasy books I like to read are also English, because they lose a lot in Dutch translation. And not to forget the MMO's! English is the standard guild talk there :D

Ahhh yeah that's true, nearly everything is in English, I had a friend who just went to japan for 3 weeks and she told me she only met 3 people who didn't speak/understand English, still though must be kind of difficult, i know a bit of spoken Russian but man it gets confusing sometimes.

It's even worse in Australian English since everything is contextual and words don't mean what they mean to the rest of the world haha

Oh really? I would love to visit Australia one day and now I'm extra curious to hear the locals speak :D

Yeah, many people in the world will know atleast a bit of English. Especially people who enjoy being online a lot and probably youth more than older people.

English feels quite natural now. Almost like Dutch, though I know more words in Dutch! I do sometimes have the problem of not remembering a word in one of the languages and only knowing it in the other language.

I know a tiny bit of German, but that is still quite hard for me. Hearing or reading it is easier than trying to speak it, but atleast it's enough to get by in restaurants while on vacation.

Well Australian English is hard to pick up even by people who have been in the country for years.

For example.

"Yeah nah nah nah yeah" means yes and no depending on what the topic is, plus we also have a pretty extensive slang that most people use that don't mean anything to anyone else in the world like "he doesn't know Christmas from bourke street"which means someone isn't very bright.

Couple that with the already extensive English language it can get really really confusing unless you grew up here.

I know what you mean though haha, i forget words in my own god damn language let alone knowing multiple languages haha

what is the sweet you tried from there? haven't seen that one before

It's carrot cake, very yummy! I didn't expect much of it to be honest, but it was quite good :D

I am very weak in front of cakes lol. I am glad you enjoyed your time and have a nice weekend :)

Yeaaah me too! I was thinking I shouldn't eat cake and McFlurry, but I just couldn't help myself :D

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