Good morning Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

I've finished my lemon juice and I've got my tea!

Header sunrise

I'll hav to eat breakfast soon and we'll be heading off to my old home this morning. Ideally, I'll do some curating before, but I don't think I'll have much time. It also depends on Steemit's willingness to load and upvote.

Does anyone else run into these problems lately? Loading pages takes longer and sometimes it takes over 10 seconds to accept an upvote. Other times, I will comment/upvote, but it'll just stay stuck on loading. Is that an overall issue, or is it just me?

Anyway, here's the link to the candy recipe people were so looking forward to: Click here.


So, we'll visit my old home today. We'll first stop by my boyfriend's mum, because we can borrow her car. It's a much, much bigger car than mine, so we'll be able to load in a lot of things to move to our cabin.

We'll be working in the garden today and the weather is actually nice. No rain and even some sun! So that's a big plus. I also have to pack up some stuff and empty out the cabinets I want to take with me today. And I finally want to empty out the freezer and fridge, so I can unplug the damn thing.

I'm sure we'll be very tired once we're back home and there are dishes here waiting for us. So... I'm pretty sure we'll be eating french fries for dinner before a reluctant washing up. Oh well, gotta do this some day!

Yesterday, mum came over for dinner and we also did some archery practice. She really enjoys it! I did quite well yesterday, so I'm happy too. I should do it more often though, but the weather just wasn't very inviting. Also, I'm lazy.

Anyway, this was just a quick write-up, because I should really not take too long this morning. Off to do some curating!

Have a good day!

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omg wow amazing shot good morning to you too agreed sometimes the page get stucks while commenting or upvoting

Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm happy it's not just me!

Am having same issue from my end but i know it will be over soon. As for your journey ahead, i wish you safe trip. Please bring some goodies for me lol

what do you mean it will be over soon !? Are they working on the problem !?✌💕👍

Well that's good to know ! I just did a post on it wondering if anyone knows what the problem is ! 👍👍👍

Thanks! I'm happy to hear others are experiencing these issues aswell. Are they working on fixing it?

How is your travel are you back now? @playfulfoodie

I am Cornholio! (Whoa! Hm heh... that was cool) I need T.P. for my bunghole! Come out with your pants down!

Oh yes, I'm back! It was only a 1 hour ride, so we managed it all in a day :D

Yeah sometimes the upvotes or comments don't go through, so I had to reload the page again..

Glad to see it's not just me! I hope they'll fix it soon :-)

Yeah hopefully. :)

I actually just replied to one of your comments about this ! Then seen this post ! I spent all this time wiring a good reply to your comment then it never loaded ! So annoying ! And this has been happening a lot lately !! Do you know if they are fixing the problem or working on it !? ✌💕👍

It is quite annoying, yes! I'm now trying to copy/paste my longer comments before posting. Just in case.
I'm not sure if they are working on fixing the problem. I hope so!

Yes me to ! It seems a bit better then it was , so I hope so !👍👍👍

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