Dear Steemians

in #blog7 years ago

So the weather is crap!

Header sunrise

We've had a couple of snowy days. Lots of snow all around and it was very pretty. Also very cold, but yeah. I do have a few pictures to share, but I haven't moved them to a computer yet, so they'll have to wait.

The weather is slowly coming up to above 0 degrees C most of the time now, so the snow is slowly melting away. The wind, however, is quite heavy and cold, which basically means that it's impossible to make it really warm in here. Too much wind goes straight through the cabin. So it'll be a day mostly spend on the couch, next to the woodstove I think. Which is sad, because I kind of want to play Guild Wars 2 to do the christmas events.

Gaming Guild Wars 2 MMO

I played some of those yesterday, which was fun! I managed to do the jumping puzzle after two failed tries, so I'm proud of myself for that. I also stocked up on some more crafting materials by spending most of my karma. Now I'll have a little headstart for the rest of my legendary weapon journey.

I played Guild Wars 2 in the evening, when my boyfriend was working late. He'll probably still have to do that once or twice more this week, so I'm extra glad he has three weeks vacation after that! Friday will be pretty busy, but if all goes according to plan, that's when he'll sign the papers for selling his house and be rid of it completely! After that, we'll be going to a concert from Scrum.

So, I did other things aswell yesterday. I baked bread, but I used spelt flour instead of regular flour and didn't adjust for more water, so it came out kind of dry, though I did add some extra water midway. Oh well, lessons for another time, right?

I also made some chocolates, inspired by a cooking show with Jamie Oliver. It turned out half okay. It needed flavored sugar. The orange sugar I made turned out great and you can still taste it in the chocolate, but the mint taste in the mint sugar kind of got lost.

Anyway, so much for my update today, hope you are all doing well!

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cold here as well, but that's a perfect excuse to get a fire goin haha :)

Yes, it is indeed :D

😊😊😊 as per baking of the bread that is truly lesson for another time. Thanks for checking on us we doing fine @playfulfoodie

Hi @playfulfoodie i see you had some fun yesterday that was nice. Happy xmas

i used to play guildwars, i do not know if we have guildwars two. We mostly play diablo all of them i think. we live in belgium my brother in rotterdam, my parents in law in uk, and my brother in law in new zealand, but there are days we all meet online :-) playing diablo ! You are talking about your cabin, cabin? sorry i did not read your introducement, cabin where and why ? what cabin?

Wow, family all over the world huh? It's awesome that you all get together online for some quality gaming time! I used to play Guild Wars aswell. That was always fun!

Yeah, we recently moved to a cabin/shed on my boyfriend's dad's property. Sounds bad maybe, but it's an actual complete home (though we have a bath instead of shower, which I still want to change). One of the main downsides, aswell as upsides, is that it has a woodstove instead of central heating. It's such a nice warmth, but it's quite annoying that it cools off so much during the night. Especially in winter and especially in a wooden home with single glass.

It's a nice place to live overall though and it allows us to move out of my home in the city, which we didn't like anymore. We're now closer to my boyfriend's work, we can live here for cheap and we can practice archery in our backyard, which is really awesome!

nice ! My husband daughter and son has been in a club for archery . But that will be different. I used to live in Crete. In the summer much to warm in the winter much to cold in my appartement, i heated my house u with hot stones, you know where you build houses with, i had them in my oven and in the evening i laid them every where in the house. It helped loads ! Maybe you can do something with that tip? Where do you live ?

Ooh that sounds interesting, I'll go check that out! Thanks for the tip :D
I live in the Netherlands :-)

ik in belgie hahaha en oorspronkelijk rotterdamse !

Ooh leuk! Bevalt het leven in België een beetje?

Ik woon hier al sinds mijn 14de en het was toen echt een cultuur shock !! als ik die verhalen vertel ! :-o Maar nu is het leven gewoon :-)

@playfulfoodie Oh, that Decembrrrrrr weather! Keep safe and warm.

Thank you @lemonchum! Staying close to the woodstove :D

I and my wife are sick from the winter weather.

Aww, hoping for warmer weather soon!

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