Getting There!

in #blog6 years ago

Afternoon Steemit,

I have been working really hard over the past year or so to trim down. I wasn’t that big to begin with, however I was told by my nutritionist that the smaller you are, the harder it is to lose weight! He got that right!!

Getting There

I am quite petite. I am 5 feet 2 inches tall. I weight currently 8st 11lbs. Some you might say that I am ’normal’ for my height. I am not a spring chicken anymore where I could eat what I wanted and still look like a rake. It doesn’t help that metabolism decreases with age! Just why?! So I have been following a plan and doing lots of exercises too.

I used to eat all my calories at once. One meal a day suited me fine. So long I have my coffee in the morning, then I don’t feel hungry at all until dinner time. That’s when the floodgates open! I could eat a field of horses and still crave sweet in the evening. I did go down the road of three meals a day as advised my nutritionist. No carbs, no sugar and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. I did all this and yes, it worked to a degree, but I still found myself craving. I am slowly getting myself back into the routine of three meals a day. It’s not been easy and I have almost cut down my sugar intake to the weekends. I know I need to bring this down to once a week, but sometimes I can’t help myself.

Do I really want to be so aggressive with my eating habits or do I want to be ripped! Well the answer is I want to be ’trim’. I don’t want to sacrifice my life and be unhappy because I can’t eat what I want. I eat clean most of the time now. I especially love my big hunk of steak! I do look forward to the weekends when I can have sugar! I am allowed alcohol once a week and to be honest, I don’t drink that much anyway. Sometimes I drink once or twice a month, if that!

I have been doing bodyweight exercises along with my healthy eating. I started off following the Freeletics app. I am still using it. I can’t believe I was so unfit. My warm ups are even more than some of the exercises I was given for the day. Now I am easily doing squats, burpees and push ups. I wasn’t able to do a single push up when I first started. Some of my exercises now have 50 push ups in them. Plus I am beating my personal bests. Some by seconds, others my minutes. My most impressive one was today where I beat my personal best by 6 mins and 47 seconds. That’s incredible!

I started off being 9st 9lbs May last year. Today I weighed in at 8st 10 1/4 pounds. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but as I said before… the smaller you are, the harder it is to lose. I saw my nutritionist today for a bit of a motivational kick. He told me how muscular my thighs were and that I have lost some more body fat! I was so proud of myself. Yes, I’ve had more treats than I should have done and I really expected him to say that I have gained fat. We had a chat about my eating habits and I have some tweaks here and there, but I can honestly say I am ready to make the change!

So you see, if you put your mind to it, then anything can be achieved. Never did I think I would look trim in a bikini again or have my skinny jeans on without having a ’muffin top’. I’m so glad to feel good about myself and proof that hard work pays off.

Much love,

Platinum-blue x


Great story friend !
i wish you the best of luck in your journey to get the body that you want!
anything is possible if you want it enough!

im just starting my own journey and decided to track the progress day by day by blogging it here in steemit
i hope it can make me stick to my plan harder!

feel free to chat with me if about fitness if you want!


@stav-cohen Thank you. I do find writing or keeping a fitness diary helps. 👍👍 Good luck for both of us 🙂

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