Letter to My Followers-A Better Introduction

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


I don’t know how many of us care about our followers. But I care about my followers. My followers have been with me since the very beginning of my Steemit journey. Just because of them I am still writing for Sreemit. Without their support and motivation my journey in Steemit would be very difficult.

This is why I have decided to write a letter every week for my followers so that I can communicate with them.

I am writing my first letter today. Although, I am writing this for my follower still you can take a look at it if you want.

I think we need a better introduction

Dear My Followers,

How are you? I hope you are fine. First of all, I want to thank all of you for the support you gave me so far in my journey of steemit. Most of you joined with me from the very beginning when I wrote my first post. Some of you joined with me in the middle of my journey. I haven’t seen anyone following me from the last few days. I am not upset about that because you are enough for me.

I don’t need a crowd of people following me when I have people like you. When most of the people here go after the big successful whales you choose to stick with me. I often find myself lucky for that.

You know I often try to find out what you people are doing. But the fact which made me a little bit upset is that I see most of you are not very active here. I don’t know why it is like that. I also don’t see many of you commenting on my blogs. I know that a few of you vote for me regularly. But I often feel that I need to know about you and talk to you. I need to know about your life. I hope at least some of you will give me the chance to know you.

I have introduced myself to you in my first post. But that was a one way introduction not a two way introduction. I only talked about me and most of you were silent or just welcomed me. So I think we need a better introduction.

I don’t know if you are scared to comment on my blogs or not. I can say that I am a very friendly, nice and funny looking guy. You can read my ‘Smart Jokes’ and see that I really love to have fun. I often imagine that one of you someday would say something like this:

“Hey,Philip, my man

Have you read my blog”

And I would say:

“What dude, seriously, you want me to believe it

You wrote a blog, someone like you who is too

lazy to write a comment

has written a whole blog

I think I should blog about it”

Don’t take the above joke seriously. I can tell all of you are very nice person and you are truly amazing.

So what I have been doing lately??You know for the last few days I haven’t written much. I am resting a little. Soon I will start writing my series of free tutorials Let’s Build Something.I would like to know your opinion about it. I will also write a new series of blog about my own life. I think the title of it will be ‘My Life, My Stories’.

I am also trying to come up with a schedule for my blogs which I am going to publish from now. I also want to write about gaming and movies. So I have got so many blogs coming for you. This is why we need a schedule to decide what we are going talk about and what would be the topic for a certain day.

I think I already wrote a lot. Sorry, for that. By now you might be thinking:

“Oh,no,this guy is really annoying

he speaks a lot ”

So I am not going to add more words to my letter. I wish you luck and thank you so much for reading.

Your Friend and Biggest Fan

Yeah, I mean I am your fan not you are my fan. You know why I am your fan because you people are really amazing.

cqueline Thompson.png

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