A Dreamer, John Lennon and a Powerful Comment in Steemit

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


This blog is a token of respect from one dreamer to another:

“I burned the flag and became the citizen of the world. I am in everywhere ”

Thanks to @societyengineer, my respect goes to the dreamers like him.

The comment caught my attention within a moment. I could sense the excitement in my blood. It can look like an ordinary comment to you but to me it carried a greater meaning. It made me remember my all-time favorite dreamer John Lennon and his song ‘Imagine’.This song was playing in my mind all over the night and the lyrics of it took me inside a dream.
I am putting the lyrics of this song in here for you:

The Song by John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

What the world has become?

I thought nobody shared this notion anymore. I thought it was only me who share this dream. So I was thrilled to find another. Everyone is thinking to strengthen their border security. Take it from the 45th President of the United States:

President Donald Trump is on a visit to see the San Diego Border Wall prototype

[Source:Wikimedia Commons]

"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."

Although, president Trump faced a lot of criticism for his comment still it can be said for sure that people of USA love him. Otherwise he wouldn’t get elected. It is not just about the US president but also the Hungarian government has decided to build an electric fence in their southern border. So that the asylum seeking people can’t enter in their country. India also wants to build a powerful electric fence over the Pak-India Border.

Sometime it makes me feel that we don’t miss a single chance to create a difference between people. The rich and the poor, black and white, the Muslims and non-Muslims, the European and non-Europeans etc. and etc. I have often heard people saying like this:

“It is high time that we should close the border for other people. The rule of accepting other people from other countries as a resident, refugee or citizen should be abolished. I don’t want those black, Asian and illiterate people to come to my country”

Hungary built this border to stop people coming to their land from Croatia and Serbia

[Source:Wikimedia Commons]

“Don’t talk about something that you don’t know. Mexican and Latin people are the worst kind of criminal. If you lived here then you could understand this. Most of them are involved in drug dealing”.

“I don’t want the streets of UK getting crowded by Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi people. I also don't like our sympathy towards the black people coming from Africa always whining about their poverty”

These are the some shocking comments; I kept in my collection from some online blogs and newspaper.

There are only a few dreamers left

In a situation like this,a comment from @societyengineer give me a light of hope.I don’t think we are really different in our mind. I don’t think we are limited in our thoughts. I don’t think we like to keep our ideas and activities limited within a certain geographical line.

A Steemit Blogger has put my name on a map along with the name of some other members

[Source: @brittandjosie]

If that would be so then I wouldn’t be seeing @brittandjosie flagging our location in a map from Netherlands. I wouldn’t see a woman putting my name in a map even living a million miles away from me.

Now you can tell me that I am wrong. We are just self-centered people filled with hatred for each other. I wouldn’t argue with you. Yes, that is true; there are many people who love to hate people who are different from them. I won’t say that they will change their mind after reading this blog. It is because I know this is just a way of life they have chosen for themselves.

Let’s take a leap forwards towards the humanity

I know it is difficult for you to imagine the world that Lennon has imagined. But think about this, even there was a time when slavery was widely accepted around the world. A human individual could be bought and sold like farm animals such as cow, goats and pigs etc.

People in the United States gathered to support the refugees and immigrants

[Source:Photo by Nitish Meena on Unsplash

Think about the present world. Does slavery still exist? No and why not? It is because we are the ones who banished it. We have become much more compassionate than the people from the early ages were.

Even once there were ‘Gladiators’ who were forced to fight against each other and some fierce animals. These gladiators were actually war prisoners or slaves from another nation. So their life didn’t matter. People used to cheer in sadistic pleasure seeing them, brutally killing each other.

Now we have ‘Geneva Convocation’ to protect the war prisoners. It is considered as a ‘War Crime’ to torture the war prisoners and kill them.

A World without Boundaries is possible

I don’t know what you are thinking but I would like to be an optimist about this notion: ‘The world as one, the world without boundaries’. As I have said all we need to do is take a leap forward and change the way we think about the others. If you ask me, I would say that there should be no such concept as ‘the others’. We just create a definition of ‘others’ in our limited mind.

cqueline Thompson.png


WoW Philip this is you best blog till now. Great, informative and colorfull with political opinion
100% upvote dear friend from Bangladesh
Only you spellen My name in the blog wrong one time 😉 keep up the good work!

And at @societyengineer gets a special ONTOPOFFTHEWORLDFLAG

ok,i was thinking yesterday a lot.I was telling myself "When she is going t read it"?I also think it is my best blog.After posting it almost nobody paid attention.But yet I was happy,because I know that a good creation is a reward for author too.I will correct your name now.

You did great but if not alot people saw it you can do something similar in the near few weeks. It was long, informative and honest Thats Whats blogging is about. And youve Been here now a few weeks do a New banner and are you on Discord already?

yeah,i am on discord.

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