
I thought I had a lot but you really have a problem. You can try natural products like horticultural vinegar but not sure how effective it will be. When it grows up trees like that try to carefully cut the vines at the base of the tree.

I actually just came in from cutting 2 small trees growing from the back side of that tree. What they were covering was a vine that was bigger than my wrist!

ugh good luck. I hate that stuff.

Have you asked batman for help yet?

Here in Connecticut its everywhere. The perfect environment for it. If you do get it, Ill recommend a tyvek suit, like you would use for painting. Take a day and hack the hell out of it, then try to get some other ground cover in there to choke it out.

Are you asking how to get rid of it or asking someone to come help you dig!?
Cut stems at base of tree of course, and let it die off.
Solarize the ground ivy.
Make friends with it because it is a part of your environment to be respected, even if controlled, coz it'll come back an bitecha!

I'm more or less blowing off steam. It's grown out of control for so long that getting it under control has been a little difficult. I'm sitting here itching and wishing I had my mother's immunity to it.

Blowing off steam on steem that is amazing. ;)

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