Do We Need To Pay Back What Jesus Did On Our Behalf?

in #blog7 years ago

Dear family here on steemit, I hope you guys are doing perfect this Sunday?

This is your word for today!
First of all, I want to wish you a Happy and Blessed Sunday to you.

For those interested in paying back God.
You have reduced the kingdom of God to a debt consolidation practice.
You are merely using the death of Jesus to pay off one high interest debt at a more reasonable rate.
"I could never pay for my sins... So I'll accept Jesus's less extreme rate and make some payments for the rest of my life."
If this is your gospel I think you'll find Jesus wants no part of it.

Stop making the peaceful, joyful and loving relationship God established with you in Christ, something which isn't based on love and affection, but servitude. You are not God's slave, He always wanted a child like you to love and enjoy forever. Allow God to express The extremities of love towards you!

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. [1 Corinthians 6:20]

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.These are the words of Paul the apostle, to help you see that all has been paid and you don't need to make any other payment. Simply enjoy God's grace by believing that it has been all accomplished by God in Christ. [Ephesians 2:8-10.]

Thank you for receiving these words today, if you would like to keep receiving these amazing thoughts from God's heart, Follow me, Comment and Upvote. If you found this post helpful, you can Resteem it for your family, friends and your audience. We love and appreciate you in Christ.

Pastor Lea

La version francaise se trouve en-dessous de cette image...

Pour ceux qui s'intéressent à rembourser Dieu.
Vous avez réduit le royaume de Dieu à une pratique de consolidation de dettes.
Vous utilisez simplement la mort de Jésus pour rembourser une dette à intérêt élevé à un taux plus raisonnable.
"Je ne pourrais jamais payer mes péchés ... Alors j'accepte le taux moins extrême de Jésus et fais des paiements pour le reste de ma vie".
Si c'est votre évangile, je pense que vous trouverez que Jésus ne veut rien faire.

Arrêtez de faire de la relation paisible, joyeuse et aimante, Dieu vous a offert quelque chose qui n'est pas basé sur l'amour et l'affection, mais la servitude. Vous n'êtes pas l'esclave de Dieu, Il a toujours voulu un enfant comme vous pour aimer et apprécier pour toujours. Permettez à Dieu d'exprimer les extrémités de l'amour envers vous!

Car vous êtes achetés avec un prix: glorifiez donc Dieu dans votre corps et dans votre esprit qui sont de Dieu. [1 Corinthiens 6:20]

Car c'est par la grâce que vous avez été sauvés, par la foi, et ce n'est pas de vous-mêmes, c'est le don de Dieu, non par les œuvres, de sorte que personne ne peut se vanter. Car nous sommes le travail de Dieu, créé en Jésus-Christ pour faire de bonnes œuvres, que Dieu nous a préparé à l'avance pour faire. Ce sont les mots de Paul l'apôtre, pour vous aider à voir que tout a été payé et que vous n'avez pas besoin de le faire. Effectuer tout autre paiement. Il suffit de profiter de la grâce de Dieu en croyant que tout cela a été accompli par Dieu en Christ. [Ephésiens 2: 8-10.]


nice this post.

Praise God @manudada. I hope you enjoyed the other post I shared?
Go check them out, you will be blessed reading them.

@purepinay I upvoted you, also you can follow the posts and resteem them for your friends. Thank you!

Amen pastor, thank you for the word of the day!

Amen, praise God!

You are welcome dear!

<merci Seigneur tu as payé le prix pour m'affranchir de toute dette. Merci pour ton amour car c'est par grâce que je suis aimé- Merci Pasteur demeure richement béni

amennnnnn, je fais des traductions deja. Tu vois?

OUi oui c'est super merci j'arrivais pas à te répondre c'etait bloqué

oh ok, maintenant c'est bon je crois?

Yes, that is so true.
I actually do use that statement

"I can never be able to pay back Jesus...
Because no one can ever be able to pay such a sacrifice back, out of Love.
And that is the unconditional love our finite minds can never understand, but He loves us, truly loves us.
And what I can do, is to accept that love with nothing but gratitude, humility, and wholeheartedly, so much so that I can do nothing but be the example of the fruit of what true love really means. Just BLOOM"

haha. Often many un-believers (and even believers) have trouble understanding it, only because they still hold tight to the unconscious pride so much that they could even block out the fact that, we can never work our way to heaven. It is truly pure Grace; and only those who has walk through the shadow of valley and death (probably literally) to really understand it.

A good reminder @pastorlea . Thank you for sharing with us.

You are absolutely correct. No one can pay back anything Jesus did. OMG, when I look at Him and see His beauty I don't even have words to describe the love He always had for me. He came to save me, so that we (together with Him) enjoy forever a real relationship of love!

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