If you would create a holiday, What would it be called? When would this holiday be?

in #blog5 years ago

Holidays are like two-edged swords. Sure, you get all the perks of having the option to go on vacation, far far away from work activities and all of that stress. But you get to spend more time with your boring self and a few annoying members of the family too. You also get plenty of time to think about how boring your life is, or how you're getting old quickly without realizing. Times like those turn can all the fun into depression pretty fast.

I like holidays, and if I had the chance to create one, I'd call it "The Week-off!." Please don't ask how I got the name. However, I'd intend for The Week-off to really live up to its name for no reason whatsoever. - No description required-. One week off work for everyone on the whole planet! Banks, malls, companies and businesses, schools, security personnel, and the whole frigging internet. Everyone stays home for a week and have fun.

I know it might be the shittiest idea one might have ever come up with. And I admit I'm not exactly great at making the rules. I imagine there could be chaos though, but think about all of the fun you can have in a week.

Having said that, show of hands everyone, who's still up for making this happen?
Anyone? ...
Right. I didn't think so.



I will definitely sign off on your idea of holiday. People should get time off to rest and cool off. We shouldn't wait until we get a "sick leave"😀

Welcome onboard, then.

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