The Power Of The Images We See

in #blog5 years ago


Have you thought how powerful are the images we constantly see and the words we hear? Most of as do not pay that much attention, but the reality of how much we have been influenced by the images we see whether on TV, magazines, newspapers, billboards etc is clear in our daily life.

Some people undermine the influence of the images and the words we read or hear. The have a power to influence us positively or negatively. Of you have not been paying attention its better if you start. Bad images are not only bad to children even to adults. Sometimes as adult we lie to ourselves that we can handle them well, but so far we have failed terribly.

Just ask yourself how much as social media impacted your life, all the images and words you see in social media have had a toll in your brain and lifestyle, we can see that. How many things have you bought just because you where repeatedly bombarded with adverts, then you decided to give it a try and see it it feel the same as it is in the advert.

By December 2017, advertising industry was worth 1.2 trillion Dollars. Now you tell me if those images have no power to influence our thinking and decision making, why should companies spend a lot of money in marketing. Simple it is because it works.

And because it works then we should be very careful with the images we feed our minds and the words we hear or read? Bad content may corrupt our minds. Because whatsoever we see or hear repeatedly, slowly we begin to believe and whatever we believe we become.

I know we live in the world where it is so so hard not to see or hear negative or inappropriate images and words, but still we can choose to do two things, one we can avoid watching and listening intentionally to all things that are considered inappropriate according to our values.

Second we can choose to feed ourselves with positive and appropriate content constantly.
Hear the words of Charlie Jones
"You will be the same person in five years as you're today except for the people you meet and the books you read"
He said in five years, but that is not a rule sometimes it come earlier than that. What is important to never forget is, you become what you feed your mind with.

As they old saying goes out of sight out of mind. I will add this, out of mind out of life. Watch what you watch and listen it may become your destiny, because bad company corrupts good manners.

Thanks for your time


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I love post about life like this one. One should be conscious about life and live it. Thanks for sharing @pamoja550

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Thank you too@ajorundon for taking time to read and comment

You are welcome

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