Dumbest stuff ever said to me - rant

in #blog6 years ago

This is coming from the perspective of someone that's deaf because all of this is geared around that, go figure with a name like "CryptoDEAF" right? However I get some of the dumbest remarks after I inform someone I'm deaf, and believe me there's reason to do this, like preventing someone from feeling too uncomfortable with me having a death stare at their mouth when they're talking, or to keep some bimbo from thinking I want to kiss her for some stupid reason, or simply people who have a nasty habit of turning mid sentence or covering their mouth a lot.

So let's get into some of the dumbest things I've had said to me after someone learns that I'm deaf.

You can't be deaf!  You can talk!

Or similarly

Yeah right deaf people can't speak!

As shown in the video below I very damn well can speak and speak well at that. Granted I'm not the only deaf person that speaks.  Roughly 80% of the deaf population use their voices to speak orally.  Only a small minority of us are sign reliant.  Some deaf sign, some don't sign.  Some deaf can't even sign at all.  Some deaf people can't speak at all.  Speak deaf people speak and sign at the same time while others speak and use minimal signing while they speak.  We're all different, and yes most of us can speak.  Being unable to hear or hear well does not affect my larynx.

So like do deaf people have sex?

I know blind people also get this exact same question and it's quite idiotic.  Yes we have sex.  My inability to hear doesn't prevent my reproductive system from functioning.  Oddly enough I can even talk dirty even with the lights off.  I know you're probably curious how dirty talking with the deaf would work in the dark, there's a sign language type called tactile signing and I'm quite proficient at it, being that I'm legally considered a "Deaf/Blind".  With the lights on, game on, I'll vocalize it.  If I'm giving oral sex and someone needs to warn me they're about to climax, I'm simply tapped a couple times on top of my head, well ideally I am, it generally results in rapidfire tapping but you get what I'm trying to convey without going into extreme detail on the birds and the bees.

You don't sound deaf though.

I always miss the golden opportunity to say something sassy like "And you don't look stupid either" but I always end up explaining why I'm able to enunciate and articulate my words exceptionally well and that's a result of many years of speech therapy training me how to speak.  Residual hearing has helped in this skill as far as learning the cadence people use.

You're too young to be deaf though.

I suppose this comes about because a lot of people assume that young people don't go deaf or aren't born deaf.  Mainly because hearing loss is often seen by the general population as a thing that happens to the elderly when in reality there are people who are genetically deaf (I'm one of those, literally runs in the family), people who have a deformity somewhere in their ears making them deaf or hell even some still that had a firecracker blow up too close to their ears resulting in them becoming deaf.

So like do you know ASL?

I know roughly 1000 words in ASL, and I don't follow the ass backwards grammar either, I use it as signed English when I do use it.  This is often referred to as PSE or Pigeon Signed English.  My signing that I use the most often is a home signing that's been passed around in the family quite extensively.  I really hate ASL.  At first while learning it I was thinking "Man, this language seems like something made by a bunch of uneducated children" and I eventually looked up the history of ASL (American Sign Language) and my thoughts on the language was confirmed, literally created by a bunch of uneducated children.  I'm not going to bother becoming fluent, why bother?  I've only met 4 people in my area that can use it and only one of them are deaf and that deaf one?  Well she left Burger King to go to school for hair and I haven't seen her since.  I prefer to speak orally.

Does that mean you need braille?

The horrifying part about this question is you would expect trained medical staff, especially nurses, to know better but the local medical center in my area has terrified me to such a degree that I have zero confidence in that hospital.  I literally had a nurse ask me "Since you're deaf do you need your discharge instructions in braille?" I said "No, my eyes still work well enough for me to read with glasses, I'm only blind without them."  I also had a server at a local restaurant learn I'm deaf so she's not bothered by my death stare and she chimes in "I got just the thing!" and she comes back with a menu in braille.  I rubbed in on my face and thanked her for the exfoliator.

No, I don't need braille.  Braille is for the blind that aren't benefitted by eyeglasses.

Can deaf people drive?

Deaf people can drive, yes.  I can't personally drive because I have epilepsy.  It also depends largely on where you are as different areas have different laws in regards to driving restrictions.  In some states of the USA, the deaf are required to wear hearing aids, other states require hearing aids even if the deaf person has a cochlear implant, other states require hearing aids or a full view panoramic mirror, some states don't have driving restrictions on us at all.

Statistically speaking though, deaf drivers are safer drivers than the hearing.  Primarily because we're not easily distracted by screaming kids as passengers (we can have kids) and we don't generally bother with the radio because what's the point?  We're more visual and far more aware of our surroundings than the average joe blow.

What is a CODA?

Not so much a stupid question per se, but it's stupid in regards to the fact that I didn't know WTF a CODA was myself when I was first asked this question and had to look it up.  CODA is "Child of a Deaf Adult", which I would certainly fucking hope it's a child of a deaf "adult".  Most certainly hope it's not a child of another deaf child or child of a deaf young teenager.  I think we should remove the A at the end, that way nobody will know if we're talking about Call of Duty or Children of the Deaf.

Deaf people are oppressed, I feel bad about that.

It's not so much that we're oppressed, it's that those involved in deaf culture are quite toxic.  They're toxic enough that they screw things up for the rest of us.  Really wish those guys would take a moment to tie their hands behind their backs and screw off instead of trying to speak for everyone.  Like the reason it is excessively difficult to get a job as a deaf person is largely due to those involved in deaf culture making unreasonable demands on employers and suing their balls off when they don't get those reasonable demands, so when an employer sees a deaf resume or application they immediately tip toe around it so they don't have to hire us.  So it's not that we're oppressed really, it's just that a small minority of the deaf population give us a very bad image.  They're also the people that generally perpetuate the stereotype that deaf people can't speak.

Talking very slowly "Hooooow maaaaaaay iiiiiiiii heeeeeeeeelpp yoooooouuuuu?"

Please don't do that.  It distorts your lip movements enough to where what you're wanting to get across is something entirely wrong or illegible.  For example, saying "How may I help you" long like above distorts your lips so it reads as "I marry soiled jews".  Please just talk normally so long as "normally" for you isn't Sonic the Hedgehog after binge smoking a pound of meth.

So how do I cuss someone out in sign?

Easiest response is to just flip them off.  Seriously, that's a sign.  I generally don't end up teaching someone how to cuss unless it's obvious someone's been screwing with them.  Like I had a rep at social security call me a bitch thinking it was "Thank you".  I also had a server at Waffle House think the signed word for "Fuck" was squirrel.  I also had a server at a steakhouse call me a "You stupid vapid cunt" thinking that was "ready to order?"  Those people I teach how to cuss so they can't be screwed with like that again, a random joe though?  Nah.  And no flipping me off saying "This is hello" or "This is person" isn't going to cut it, I'm not stupid.

So how do you flirt?

The same way you do.  Just instead of chicks I go after the guy I think is cute, which is usually the fat, awkward looking guy hanging out in the corner by himself hoping nobody notices him.

You inspired me to learn sign language!

I don't see how, I so rarely sign at all.  If I know you hear perfectly damn well and you start signing to me I'm literally going to sign back saying "use your voice".

Do you know XYZ person?  They're deaf too.

I get this a metric ton of times.  No, I don't happen to know XYZ person.  I mean it would be one thing if I'm in a sim on SecondLife and someone asks me that because XYZ person happens to come to the sim I frequent every so often, but it's another entirely to assume I know someone solely because they too are deaf.  So if it's XYZ person that's deaf that frequents or semi frequently visits a place I visit, then yeah sure, it's possible, but if it's XYZ person that you just happen to know that lives in the next town, state or country over then no, I don't.

This happens with a lot of furries.  They're like "Oh uh do you know Felix Fox?" and I'm here like "uh well I know OF him but I don't know him personally no.  Never met the guy and I'm pretty sure if I did I'd probably have AIDs or something.

My friend has a deaf and gay son, I think you two would make a cute couple.

Fantastic, glad you think so, I don't want to meet him.  Plus I'm already married.  Plus I don't have any problems in being able to find someone should I want to or need to.  I've found quite a few people for my husband and I to go on double dates with and it's seriously not that hard.  We are in the age of the internet.  Please don't try to hook me up with someone you know because we share a disability.

Why don't you sign though?  It's so beautiful!

Source - That Deaf Guy

I can literally sign "I want to rip off your fucking head and shit down your neck" and you'll still think it's beautiful.

I'd kill myself if I were deaf.

The knife is in the kitchen.  Why the fuck would you say something like that?

Honestly I'd rather be blind.

Well I have the worst of both worlds, I'm deaf and without my glasses I'm legally blind.  But you'd seriously rather feel your way around the place, have people made rude gestures even right in front of you, flip you off to your face and giggle because you can see it and have the pesky problem of "When" rather than "IF" you're going to get hit by a car?  Good luck.

How do you manage without music in your life?

I can feel the vibrations.  And with the latest modifications to my computer system with a sound system programmed to my sensorineural audiogram and conduction headphones bypassing my conductive hearing loss, I can hear music and enjoy it.  I've learned to enjoy music both ways in fact.

When asked to repeat what they said "Oh nothing" or "Nevermind"

Please don't do that, we're really trying.  We're giving you as much effort as we can in order to communicate and saying stuff like that pretty much tells us you're giving fuck all to contribute to the effort.  It's a two way street, give some effort in return.  It really hurts when someone you love or some family or so called friends do this.  Even worse when a group of friends invite you and then treat you like you're invisible even when you say something to contribute to the conversation that you're working in overdrive to participate in.  Fuck you, don't treat me like I'm unimportant subhuman trash.

So if you're wearing your hearing aids, why didn't you hear me?

Because they're not perfect?  Having a hearing aid doesn't mean I'm suddenly able to hear everything.  There is still a hell of a lot that I miss.  Hearing aids don't make me suddenly on par with a normal hearie.  Sorry but even with the things I currently use, it only brings me up to profoundly hard of hearing rather than deaf and that's still a bitch and a half to communicate and catch things with.

You don't look deaf, you're too handsome for that.

Why thank you.  You don't look mentally deficient either.  Well done.  What did you expect a deaf person to look like exactly?  I know the mainstream media portrayal is someone that can hear suddenly losing their hearing overnight and stumbling about the place with a lost, confused and scared look on their faces, but the reality is when you've been deaf for a very long time, or from very early in childhood, you just get used to it and adapt.

You can't use deaf as an excuse every time you don't hear something.

Repeat that, but more slowly to yourself.  Really digest what you just said, really let it sink in and when it finally hits you, you'll know how stupid that statement was.  Deaf kinda does mean I don't hear a lot of things, so yeah, I can use it as an excuse every time I don't hear something, because it's the reason I didn't hear that something.

Is it offensive if I just pull out my phone and type what I want to say?

Nope, it's actually a very good and thoughtful idea, so please do.  Be my guest. :)

You didn't get what I was meaning did you?

I'll admit there are many times where I have someone repeat themselves several times and I just can't quite catch what they're trying to say and each time they repeat themselves it's obviously they're getting more and more frustrated with each failed attempt.  Usually they're not too polite about it either.  I like my roomie that's hard of hearing, if I need he'll repeat himself multiple times without acting frustrated, make honest efforts to enunciate himself better and if that still fails he will whip out his phone and type it to me.  He's had his own issues with having to have someone repeat themselves multiple times.

The difficulties you had to overcome is inspiring!

You mean the bit about my mother using child support and alimony payments in order to buy herself new clothes, shoes, purses, makeup etc instead of my brothers and me new clothes for school leaving us to wear rags until the school got onto her for neglect?  Or the part about my mom's second husband where he would drink and get physically abusive beating my siblings and me?  Or her third husband who called himself a social drinker, didn't believe deafness existed and punished me profusely for "ignoring him"?  Or that guy specifically sexually molesting my brothers and me and specifically raping me as a method of punishment for ignoring him (which I wasn't, just deaf)?

Ohhh, you mean the fact that I'm deaf itself.  Yeah seriously when you grow up with it you seriously just adapt accordingly and get used to things.  I went through speech therapy to learn to speak properly and did a lot of mimicking as well.  My deafness is the least inspiring thing to learn about me overcoming the challenges of when you put the context of my childhood of being neglected, beaten, sexually abused and raped as a child.

Turning to someone in my party "Can you tell him XYZ?"

Yo bitch I'm over here, he's not my interpreter you can kindly speak to me and if I can't catch it, write it.  Especially don't turn to someone in my party because I said I'm deaf and then ask you to write something I can't catch down or to type it out.  Treat me like I'm a human being.  Honestly when they do this the first request my party usually does is request a manager and then we make a formal complaint against the server.  It's really that rude.

This usually happens by the person turning to my husband wanting him to interpret for me as if he knew ASL or personally was taught my home signing or something.  Truth be told?  The only thing he knows how to sign is "Thank you" and "Fuck you", but fuck you is pretty universal.  You call it "Flipping the bird".

How is it you're able to sing?

Because I can?  My voice is trained.  I went through speech therapy but also music lessons in learning to play the piano and the violin as well as training my voice to sing in the proper notes based on sheet music.  Not every deaf person can do this, but many of us can.

I wish I could use sign language

There's nothing but you stopping you.  Seriously.  There's tons of free courses online.  On YouTube there is "Learn ASL in 31 days" and even a website resource dedicated to it called LifePrint.  This information was just a single google search away.  Stop wishing and start doing if you really want to learn it, otherwise stop saying you wish you knew it.

Why are you shouting?

Because I honestly can't hear myself exceptionally well and sometimes compensate for it by speaking louder.  Sometimes I'm not even speaking at all.  It's rare for me to speak too loud or too softly or not at all but it does happen.  I've learned at a young age what it feels like to be at an appropriate speaking voice level.

You must be really smart to be able to talk.

A freaking genius, just kidding.  There's a variety of reasons a deaf person can talk and most of us actually do.  For me it's a mixture of speech therapy and mimicking and hearies telling me I've got something pronounced correctly.  This has nothing to do with intellect really.  I had a better ability to hear when I was younger and my hearing got progressively worse with age.  I'm only 33 now, but I'm definitely deafer than when I was 10, even though I'm still considered "mild deaf".

You know cochlear implants are a thing right?

Holy shit really?  I had absolutely no clue whatsoever!  Wow if only someone had told me about this miracle invention ages ago I would've hopped right on the ball right then and there!  Yes, I'm aware cochlear implants exist.  They're actually very difficult to get when you're not a child in the USA.  My mother had neglected my hearing needs (even though she was deaf herself and was told by others that they don't think I hear well at all) at least she neglected it until the school got onto her ass about it and called Child Protective Services on her.  She then finally broke down and got me to an audiologist who strongly recommended I have cochlear implants but I had to trial hearing aids first.  It was free on Medicaid because I was a small child.  She got me the hearing aids paid for by Medicaid and that got the school and child protective services off her ass so she stopped caring at that point.

My dad was livid when he eventually got custody of me when I was 15 for not having the CI already but he left the decision up to me which I think might have been a bad move.  Fast forward to my adult life and holy fucking shit I wish I had the cochlear implants.  Now I have to go through the hearing aid trial all over again, but luckily technology has improved greatly with both hearing aids and the CI and allegedly good results with proper hearing aids for my level of hearing loss.  I currently use hearing amplifiers.  I just have to have insurance that'll cover it which I will have very soon and will be on the road to getting them if I need them.

Stomping, banging or throwing crap at me to get my attention.  I know it's not saying something but worth including.

Honestly this is just fucking rude.  Just walk in front of me, tap me on the shoulder, turn the light off and then back on once.  I've literally had someone break my glasses by throwing shit at me just to get my attention, and another time some jackass broke my nose doing it.  Just please don't.

You know you'll be healed if you accept Jesus Christ into your heart.

I was a Christian at one point in time.  God didn't heal me then and he sure as fuck isn't going to heal me now if I suddenly become a believer again.  Tell you what.  Prove your god exists.  Pray for my hearing to be perfect when I wake up from sleeping next.  If I can suddenly hear for no obvious but seemingly magical reason, I'll accept your god.  Until then, it's just an ancient fairy tale to me.  My question is, why the hell would your god make a child born with the issues I had to deal with?  Have my childhood, you won't believe in your god either.  I know the obvious question is "Well when you die what are you going to say to God when you see him?" I will have nothing to say to him, because it's not me that would need to be forgiven, it would be him that would need my forgiveness.

I know not every Christian nor Muslim nor Jew nor Hindu, etc will be so rude nor as crass as to say something that would spur that level of vitriol from me, a lot of you religious folk are really kind and loving people, but you got to admit even you know that one asshole that kind of deserves the verbal ass kicking.

My dog is deaf.

Great, I'm not a dog, please don't compare me to your pet.  I once had a cat that was stupid as shit though, and yes I'm comparing you to that cat for comparing me to your dog.  Dick.

Why are you ignoring me?

I'm not ignoring you, I literally didn't hear you.  This happens a lot.  I've had instances where someone would speak to me from behind, someone random in public like waiting in line at Taco Bell or at the register at Wal-Mart.  At Taco Bell this black chick asked me if the beef quesorito is any good and I didn't hear her, so out comes to accusations of me being racist causing a huge scene.  I literally didn't know what the fuck she was going on about until my roommate made mention of it and explained what went on.  Then there's this blue haired bimbo at Wal-Mart who started shouting at everyone trying to shame me for being sexist because I'm "Ignoring her" and my husband had to inform the dumb bitch that I'm deaf.  You'd think she'd get the picture that I can't hear most of what most people say, being the keyword deaf, but she went on a tirade about how the only reason I can't hear her is because I'm sexist.

Bitch please.

Does being deaf cause that part of your mouth to droop some when you talk?

No that would be bell's palsy.  Had it twice.  It's this infection that affects the nerves of your face paralyzing one half of it.  Never fully recovered from it so that's why that side of my face droops a bit, definitely noticeable when I speak or smile or grin real wide.  Coincidentally I also have the most issues with that eye (it's my left side of my face).  I still have to tape my left eye shut at night when I got to sleep or my eye will become irritated bad enough that it becomes pink eye.

How did you know what I was saying?  You weren't facing me.

Because what little I can hear from people, if I know a person exceptionally well, like my husband for example, I don't require listening devices nor lip reading to comprehend what he's saying in a quiet environment.  That takes years of knowing a person though and is not something I can do to just any random person because everyone's speech patterns are different.  In brief though, you get to know a person well enough, they become predictable.

Like if I go to a gas station, I rarely have to lip read the attendant because it's pretty predictable.  Walk in, don't hear anything but say "Hello!" because it's usual for them to welcome you to the store.  Get your shit and to get the register, tell them "X dollars in gas on pump Y please" because they asked if there's anything else they can get for you.  Then they tell you the total, just say debit.  Swipe your card, enter your pin.  Look at them, smile and nod "I would like a bag please" it's generic enough whether or not they asked if you wanted a bag, it still fits.  And then on your way out the door say "You too" because they most likely said "Have a good day".

You're not deaf you just have selective hearing.

I'll be sure to submit myself to scientific study for this research case.  My audiologist will also be blown away by my ability to degrade and improve my hearing at will.  Actually this comes about because again, people are rather predictable and this is generally said to me when they see me talking with my husband without looking at him and without listening devices or they see me dealing with a gas station attendant in a similar regard as detailed above.  It's not that my hearing is selective, it's just either A) Super predictable or B) I'm able to translate Ow ah oo into how are you.

Bet you aren't really deaf.


That there?  Just the address to one of my bitcoin wallets I spun up solely to collect on this dumbass bet.  So far, nobody's paid into it after proving it to them with an audiogram detailing exactly how deaf I am.  Imagine my shock.  Once proven that they're a dumbass and a dickhead that they don't want to cough up the dough.

You speak well enough I just thought you didn't need an interpreter.

Yes, I can speak, but communication is a two way street.  I can't be putting in all the effort here.  This, sadly, happens mostly at hospitals.

Are you even listening to me?

Most often said to me by some stranger.  Last person that said this to me was allegedly talking to me for 10 minutes before getting upset and asking that.  It was my hard of hearing roommate that told her I'm deaf that time and he honestly thought she was just talking on a bluetooth headset so didn't say anything until she started getting visibly upset at me.

That's an awesome bluetooth headset, how do I get one?

Light a firecracker and let it explode at least 4 inches away from your ear.  That should cover it.

Receptionist at a hearing clinic says "hello" and fiddles with their computer before looking up waiting for an answer for something I didn't get to catch.

Honestly this has happened almost exclusively at audiologist offices.  I go to see my PCP, check in at an ER, etc no problem.  Honestly you'd think a receptionist at a clinic for audiology would be better trained than that.  I suppose not.

If you lip read how did you learn to speak like you do?

I'm just going to roll my eyes, I'm tired of answering these already, I think it can be seen by you as well.  Yes thanks I can lip read woohoo, and I learned to speak because speech thera blah blah blah blah if you want the full explanation scroll up.

Maybe you could hear me if you took those fucking earphones out and listened asshole.

I didn't have this problem until Apple came out with those AirPod things, the wireless earbuds things.  Now there's loads of dipshits out there that think hearing aids are headphones and literally think I'm jamming out to some sick ass beats.

Speaking to my interpreter, "How do you say XYZ?"

Hey asshole, the interpreter is on my dime, not yours.  I'm not paying for an interpreter so you can learn some fucking sign language over here.  The terp is solely there for me so when you say shit that I can't catch I can just look at the terp and have it repeated visually.  The terp is not there for your entertainment, enjoyment nor your education but solely for me to better communicate with you and it's costing a fucking fortune.  Ask the terp on your own dime, not mine.

If you can hear me at all it means you're not deaf.

Glad to know that you know better than every audiologist I've ever visited.  Truth be told, there are levels of deafness just like there are levels of blindness.  I take off my glasses and that big E at the top of the eye chart? (and it's always a fucking E) because too blurry to actually read for me, could be a B or a D or an F for all I know and if I didn't know it was an E prior, I could mess up taking a guess.  The charts on a projector that can be changed are usually used in that case and they change the E to a random letter.  Being legally blind doesn't mean I see absolutely nothing without glasses.

Just likewise, being deaf doesn't mean I hear absolutely nothing.  I mean yeah being blind can mean seeing nothing and being deaf can mean complete silence.  It's not always the case though.  A great deal of deaf people can actually hear to some degree.  Deaf just means little to no hearing just like blindness means little to no vision.

Can I try your hearing aids out?

No, I clean my ears regularly and properly with hydrogen peroxide and a warm water and I have no clue how well you clean your ears.  I certainly don't want to risk my hearing aids having your ear wax gunking them up.  Yeah I can clean and sanitize the ear drums, but why would I want to deal with someone else's bodily products?  Yuck.  Just no, you can't try them on.

If you're deaf then why don't you sign more often?

Because I prefer to speak orally, it's literally what I'm most comfortable with.

My grandpa uses hearing aids too.

Great, I literally don't give a fuck.  Good on him though, but I'm not your grandpa, nor do I know him personally and if the hearing aids work out well for him, I'm happy for him.  I really do care about people getting their hearing loss treated and being able to do so.  Online as CryptoDeaf that's fine, tell me all about him.  In person, when I'm out and about, like ordering food somewhere and I tell you I'm deaf and to pardon the creepy as hell death stare, that's not when you bring up your grandpa.  If you're hanging out with me sure I'll tell you my whole life story, and I'll even listen to yours, but I'm just there to order some fucking food and not freak you out with my lip reading stare of creepy death.

Do you really need subtitles?  I can just turn the volume up.

Yes, yes I really do.  I'm sorry if that's such an epic pain in the ass for you.  And no, turning up the volume all the way to maximum and me sitting closer to the TV at the same time isn't going to help me understand what's being said by those on the screen.  I mean yeah it'll result in hurting my ears and damage my hearing more, but it won't result in my getting any comprehensible information beyond "my ears fucking hurt" from it.

Why do you cringe when children scream? Thought you couldn't hear them?

Because they hurt my ears too.  What I want you to do with your screaming brat is to take it outside, throw the fucker in the trunk of youf car as hard as you can, drive home and then chuck that little fucker in the trash where the condom that should've caught the little shit stain should've been tossed.  Kids are hurting my ears when they scream because they're literally damaging my hearing further.  I know right?  Fucking amazing.  Your kid is screaming so god damn loud that it's hurting the ears of a deaf person.  That's not an accomplishment to feel proud of either.  You ought to be embarrassed by that fact.

Duck tape is in housewares.  You can also buy ball gags on Amazon.  Sure I know it's a kinky thing for sexual play, but it'll sure shut your kid the fuck up now won't it?  Kinda hard to scream when the little fucker is choking half to death on a big ass rubber ball in their mouth.

Do you ever pretend not to hear something?

Very rarely but I have done it.  When I see someone somewhere that has a voice I can hear and I don't want to talk to them, I just act like I didn't even notice them there and also act like I didn't hear them calling out for me too.  Quite the convenient excuse to not have to deal with someone you don't want to talk to at the moment.

No no, it's pronounce "...."

Seriously?  It took me until 2 days ago to learn that I was mispronouncing Fanta all this time and it took the skill of some various crafty biohackers to pull that masterful kill of mind fuckery off on my computer.  It's best to not correct me and just let it slide.  Honestly I've been saying a lot of words wrong that I'm aware of, like I'm not entirely sure how to say bologna, lasagna, Leana, and a whole host of other things.  Hell I've seen bitchute talked about so much I thought it was pronounced Bitch Ute with a pronunciation of the letter U.  Cut me some slack.  Especially if I'm in person with you I'm most likely not going to catch it even with my hearing aids.

Not a saying itself but being subtle about things like a little weight gain.

I hate it when someone beats around the busy with misc shit.  I'm deaf, I'll come right out and say it.  I was raised in a family with a gaggle of deaf women and when signing there's nowhere to hide as it's all out in the open for everyone to see.  I see you've gained some weight I'll tell you, no sugar coating.  Now granted if I were signing I'd literally point at you first, then make hand motion around my stomach in a round shape to indicate round or fat and maybe puff my cheeks out with some air to imitate it.

I'm aware I often come off as rude or too blunt, it's just how the deaf with deaf relatives are, and those involved in deaf culture that's sign reliant.  Don't beat around the bush and say "Oh hey yeah wow you .. you're lookin good!" no, they're fatter and they look like a trainwreck.

That's all for now.  Thanks for reading if you've made it this far without falling asleep or stopped giving a shit. xD This is a cross post from my Weku blog CryptoDeaf.


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