
in #blog6 years ago

"I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it."
Audrey Hepburn

We all have moments in life when we question our own worth.
If we’re good enough for another person.
If we’re qualified enough for a job position (hello, imposter syndrome!).
If we really deserve what we want and desire.
“Are we good ‘enough?’” is a question our mind battles that leaves debris and affects our every organ, vibration, and body- especially if we were raised without the attention, affection, and praise every child requires to develop healthily. But more importantly, it is the wrong question to ask.
We're so quick to question ourselves and value, rather than what we’re asking for and/or receiving. Redirect the question: Is this person, job, want, dream (insert whatever you wish here) worthy of YOU? Do they see themselves fully to be able to let you reveal and be seen and heard? Are they aligned with your truth? Are they synced with your vision and mission in this life? Are they supporting your authentic becoming? Will they lead you to your own growth and betterment? Are they worth investing your time and energy? Are they reciprocating what you give of yourself?
Fact is, you ARE the value. You are enough. You are whole and deserving.
It is our self-belief that will either hinder or propel us forward in life. And regardless of what we endured as children, our parents truly did the best they could. As adults, it is our responsibility to heal and expand into unyielding self-love and belief; to make our dreams a reality.
Remember, everyone and thing- including this universe- takes us at our own estimate. You will never receive what you don't believe you deserve because your energy will not be in alignment with your wishes and desires. Don’t give anyone power over your own worth, reclaim and raise it high!

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