Caring for someone with Cancer -blog

in #blog7 years ago

Since we were kids we both have been plagued with issues. I'm living with Lupus and Nessa has a slew of physical issues and we always seemed to defy the odds.


Lately, The hospital or the insurance messed with her meds and she isnt the Nessa we love. Hurtful words, tears, and anger rages through her. Its painful for us to watch, painful to hear, and try to not take her seriously because the disease speaks out.
When it all passes she gets disappointed that we end up hurt.

I dont care anymore what she says because she fights because we are here fighting along with her.

I love my sister so much. She will drop to help others in a moments notice but now its her turn to be helped and be appreciated for all her kindness.


Anyone, who cares for the ill, knows how hard this job is. Unappreciated, long hours of up and down emotional rollercoaster. Moments of fear of losing them.

But at the end of the day I wouldn't change a thing because I continue to stand by her.


So, if you are caretaker I commend you!

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I send light and love to both of you. You both are wonderful .every click of the clock brings us closer to the process for which the planet called us into existence.

Thank you for your beautiful words.

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