Attacked by a Beagle and other heartbreaking arguments with reality

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


A Beagle broke free from it's leash and charged at me from the darkness last night while I was riding my bicycle. Teeth bared, snarling, and intent on drawing blood. I crashed my bike in an effort to dodge it's fangs.

It was quite a to do. People stopped their evening stroll to stare. Some offered assistance, the Beagle owners offered mortified apologies as they wrangled their beast back onto it's lead. My mind fixated the entire time on this sole thought: "but you're a Beagle!".

Beagle's are cute and harmless, perhaps annoyingly yappy but kind hearted sweet little things made for cuddles and patting. Beagles are not supposed to be snarling wild banshees.

There I was - shocked, a little worse for wear, blood dripping from my arm, bike chain in a shambles, staring at my nemisis. Who had not given up it's efforts to maul me as it strained at an alarmingly thin lead.

I should have been high tailing it to safety (or at the very least limping away wheeling my now rattling chainless bike behind me at the greatest hobble speed I could muster). But I stood, my mind locked in it's argument with reality.

This is what happens isn't it? We see a thing that doesn't make sense and our brain tries to match it with all the things we think we know. Beagle's are nice, priests are men of God and pure.

This week in Australia Cardinal George Pell was ordered to stand trial for his role in historical child sexual assault by priests in this country. It has taken so very long for a chance at justice for the victims.

For so many years lives have been lost in the ruins of stolen childhoods. The truth of the innocent exchanged for the lies adult brains produced about the purity a priest was supposed to be rather than the evil these abusers were.

I hope that the fog lifts for the victims as the blame and shame are directed to where they should always have been. My hope is that some small light of peace is shone upon their wounds by the acknowledgement that the church must answer to their pain in a court of law. I hope it lets some colour in on the darkness that was inflicted upon them. I hope that they know we care, that we believe them and honour their reality.

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A brilliantly pointed statement: "For so many years lives have been lost in the ruins of stolen childhoods. The truth of the innocent exchanged for the lies adult brains produced…”

Thank you. Sadly so often true

Hey, do you want to swap your main account for this one for TA/Centerlink upvotes? Your posts would qualify and you seem to use this one more. Let me know.

Eek, sorry you got bitten by a dog too.

Yeah let's do it. I use this one more because I don't have time to write the longer pieces at the moment so it makes sense. Just let me know what you need me to do.

You don't need to do anything. I will swap the TA upvote and get ausbitbank to swap your centerlink one.

Thank you! I saw all the things happen. You are fabulous

That’s a masterpiece, Kylie. I was more than surprised when I realized what your blog was actually about. Brilliantly arranged and absolutely dead on.

When I was a child—that’s 40 years ago—we had got a case in my parish too. At first, nobody had believed the victims, who lived in an orphanage. In the end, our former parish priest was sentenced to several years in prison. I don’t remember whether anybody cared about/for the young victims. Probably not.

Thank you. Surprise was the intention so I am pleased that was your experience. The victim not being believed is the common thread sadly.

Reminds me of that strange evening when I almost got bitten by my neighbour's dog. Was it my neighbour's? I can't remember now.
But good analogy here! My SP is delegated. Could only drop a cent :(!

Thank you. Every cent helps pay the rent 😊

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