Living in a Lost Country...

in #blog6 years ago


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What the hell just happened?

Simple, the voting rites for presidential elections scheduled to be held today was cancelled overnight before the day that the world has been waiting for over 3 years ago.

Probable causes includes; intel to outrightly rig the election, pseudo-voting has been done a night before the actual election and maybe avertion of Bloodbaths.

Only in Movies and novels I use to think this could have happened, but thanks to my country and its Independent National Electoral Commissions, they have done it again, maybe yielding to the supremacist of the Western World or just as clueless in their decision makings.

Alone in the southern part of a state up North, over 66 people had been killed just yesterday over this cancelled electoral process, claiming logistical issues, the electoral body has thrown many lives in disarray as thousands had to travel far to their indeginous states to vote candidates of their choices.

I'm living in a lost country, where such decision was made over night, where the incumbent president is senile and unlearned to have allow such decisions to be bullied out of him by some Political Godfathers.

Only a spineless ruler hides under the electoral body to abandon the rule of law and make dire calls of such magnitude, a true and fearless leader would come out outrightly and call the elections off.

Maybe it's just some ways to avoid a great mishap, the world is watching to uncover the miseries.

One thing is certain, what happened only have one results and that is the worst nightmare for anyone who seeks a change in this Government and it's merrymen lawmakers playing Darts with the life of an average citizen of this country!


Wait, wtf? Voting was cancelled on election day??!

That's correct. The polls were cancelled a few hours to the exercise. It was an embarrassing situation.

Yes @demotruk just few hours to the voting.

We were all shocked, but i hope it's for the best, I would rather see the whole thing postponed indefinitely than a president who wants to turn this country into an Islamic State.

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