in #blog7 years ago


A brief concept of Muslim Ummah Challenges in the modern age

Social challenges
Economic challenges
Political challenges
Religious challenges
Responsibilities of Muslim Ummah
In social field

Fight against obscenity and vulgarity
Make efforts for improving the status as well as the rights of women
Protect the endangered structure of family
Strive for social equality and justice
Eradicate the evils of drugs and narcotics
Contribute to the fight against diseases
Spread and enforce moral values of Islam
In economic field

Eradication of economic disparities
Elimination of poverty through the system of Zakat
Introduction of a riba-free financial system
In political field

Fight for the provision of basic human rights to all the human beings
Work for the introduction of mushawarat (consultation)-based political system across the globe
Play an effective role in the resolution of interstate conflicts
Make all-out efforts to eradicate the menace of terrorism
In religious field

Making people aware on the importance of religion
Working to spread the true message of Islam across the globe
Creating and promoting inter-religion harmony

Is Muslim Ummah fulfilling its responsibilities?
Why Muslim Ummah is unable to discharge its responsibilities?

Lack of unity owing to sectarian conflicts
Absence of a truly representative organization of the Ummah
Abandoning Ijtihad
Negative role of religious scholars
Callous approach of the rich Islamic states
Prevalence of poverty and illiteracy within the Islamic world
Economic backwardness of the Muslim states
Absence of a representative media
Recommendations for enabling the Ummah to perform its duties

Establishment of a platform specifically for the resolution of sectarian issues
Revival of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as a vibrant organization
Immediate and consensus-based steps for the conduct of Ijtihad
Discouragement of fanatics and extremists present among the religious scholars
Considerate role of affluent Islamic states toward the deprived ones
Joint efforts for the promotion of basic and higher education within the Islamic world
Devising and implementing a meticulous and practicable economic policy for the Muslim states
Establishment of forum for the promotion of research and technology
Establishment of a representative media organization
Steps for the improvement of the image of the Ummah

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