Random Ramble on a Friday (burn out/dyslexia not good enough)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

 So last  week a was so tired and it was clear for me a was working way to much. So a went down to 4 days work week form 5. But it was to late a had my 3 days of this week went to work on Wednesday and it was a very bad day, a was OK for 2 hours or so then a was gone. When to my dark place my brain stop working like a don't know which way a to turn the screwdriver. 

from my bike trip to day..u can see the smoke in the mountains from all the fires in North America.

A was so close  to leave the work but a didn't. Am just going to build a few bikes and then go home. In the middle of the day a send a sms to my boss and ask for the week off, told a was not feeling good. A got 2 days of. Ned to work tomorrow. But a have been home now for 2 days.
Not sure how a feel about and work tomorrow am going just try my best. Its ok to be sad to. 

This year has been a fight no real brake from it. Just is develops No real end in site noting am looking forward to and now its soon September And then a new year. And a don't really have a plan. Am just was hoping a had and more Clare ide of next year. Am just so tired of constant been in a fight. 

blackberry's yummy

And here in steemit am working on my game, But i'm hitting a wall of networking am really bad at it, or am not but am been burned so many times on my writing, so 10 days ago A jone a new discord group here. And it's a gaming community a was thinking to see if a can't get some players to my game there and find like minded people. To day a got up my courage a start a Catting in the group and then someone write this to me:

>@norwegianbikeman I can give you ideas on formulas for managing stuff like that, but that English is hard to understand... really hard to understand. Ignoring the wrong spelling and the incorrect letters you still need to make better use of punctuation, commas, periods, etc... Otherwise I get the general idea, but when asking for something specific as that, you'll want people to get the specific idea

Am  understand he don't know me, and a now am very sensitive. but A have this on my profile and its public : 


>a have heavy dyslexia and and English is not my language,  just saying.

super nice road. 

Its a reason why a don't really do forums, like how a making my blog is writing it the going in google translate then to spell check in goggle dock and in steemit hoping most of it is ok. A newer learn to  write  English   in  school  a have some crazy trauma from School so  90% of my writing is self learned  even the Norwegian part. So every time someone commentating it it like someone is stabbing me, Am so used to it but still its hurt me. Fore a long time a had to leave the room when Someone was reading my writing. So am just tire of it all. 

but to day and yesterday a when biking it was very nice even if its hot here. just Ned to plan to go where its a river u can walk in to lol

my game give it a read and follow @darklands 

the game is starting soon its free and am paying by up voting ur posts. 

The rules  and how, To get the auto up vote. u Ned  to do the following.

Seeking Players to the Darklands and Rpg  "update" the Resources collect explained "offers  upvotes

 introduce "Dark tower" quest. The Draglands is and RPG adventure game.

have a good weekend 


I think you do a good job at communicating for a non english writer, I understand what you are saying.

I too have dysgraphia and dyslexia, so I usually don't post much unless I have the time to spellcheck everything. and then I read and reread my post compulsively correcting for mistakes. I also have serious trauma from my early Schooling.

but remember, the more you write the better you will get!

Thanks since a start here in January a now a have improved a lot. just wish the online community was a bit less asshole on the spelling. make or dyslexia humans life bit more easy.

Sorry u are having a hard time my friend.. Dont worry about what people say, how many of them can speak and write in a totally different language? Not many, u should be proud how awesome you are, I wish I could be as fluent as u in another language.. Yes u have some spelling errors, you often use a where u should use I, but it is easy enough to understand what you mean so I have never corrected you, you should be proud of how well ur English is, especially if u are dyslexic.. people are just haters.. have u heard of the groups @thesteemengine and @steemitbloggers? Also try @minnowsupport, they have an upvote bot that will give u a nice $0.10 upvote every 30hrs if u request it on their discord.. These are great groups who have discords and get me lots of upvotes..
Don't worry about the haters, you are doing great and i see ur english getting better all the time..
Work sucks thats just reality, it is literally slave labor and mind numbing.. only smart people realize this so most dont understand what u are talking about.. u should look for a new job that challenges u more or makes u more happy, dont get complacent or u will only get more miserable.. keep excercising and try to stay positive and eventually life will get better..
Take care of urself brother and keep ur head up..

ye a put him in the asshole category. ty on on ur words means a lot. ty on the tip a have heard of the minnowsupport not the rest a give it a read. :)

English spelling and punctuation are difficult, especially since every rule has a bunch of exceptions. Communicative competence is what's important and I have no difficulty understanding your writing.

Well, no more trouble than I have understanding anyone, with my dyslexia and poor eyesight, anyway.

I'm glad to see you got out on your days off. Being out in nature is a good way to clear one's mind. :-)

yes indind my biggest problem whit my writing is all the rules sins a dont now any of them. am going fore if it feels correct then ist a 50/50 to be correct :)

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