fuck...u......a should have stop my rant here lol.

in #blog6 years ago

but yes its one of them again.and am starting to say am sorry to my sister she maby be reading this...its noting about you...
so...my brother..just got a x-mas letter from him. it made me cry...ye super fun a was not ready at all no you most be wondering was is super nice? was it a personal letter.? telling me how he is doing his family etc...no it was a print photo from a store whit a greeting from .......f.d.........and ....... and a lottery ticket..but dud wtf......are u not my brother? anymore...are we just shom dud u are working whit? sending a fucking print out...a now its a 2 way street but a have been here almost one year now communication at all. yes a moved 8000km away but still. like wtf is better you didnt send it at all.


am not sending anything to them but am broke so a cant or a can but then a dont eat so a think its a good reason. so its freking me out way is it...yes it back on the question for the year. a dont feel like a have a home a dont now what a want to do am so lonly am not doing anything now am just whting for my visa one more time the canadian goverment take its sweet time ones more but a have som time here before a need to go if fore som reison a get rejected so its not a big problem yet. but it is on one side a can comment to anything if A get kick out in 8 weeks or so. need to save my money now if it happen.

but on the big picture am broken and so sad then its stopping my from anything- am just a fucking zombi....waiting to die


Give the visa a chance. At least Canada's not as bad as the US for visas, so you'll probably get it. If not, well, it'll be a change. Sometimes change is good.

Living in North America is pretty lonely, if you ask me. People here maintain their distance, physically and socially. Are there any cycling clubs you can join up there? That might be a good way to meet some folks.

Don't forget Christmas time and winter makes everything about 100 times worse. Sending you love across the miles but I do suspect the only love you need is the love from yourself.

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