Finding my lost creativity.

in #blog6 years ago

 A lost my creativity. Long time ago a was a promising artist, a got told by my teachers a can be a painter a can make my living of my art. But a 15 year long depression slowly killed it. Nowadays a can't even make a banner for my game here on steemit. But it's more of exposure then the ability. a don't feel good a enough. 

a have a style fore sure it no it is no coincidence my burning man name is "maggot man"

 When a was 18 a whats going to art collage a got and A in and exam. By using and 3d software called 3dmax these is a professional program the manual or one of them was 400 page long. Buy making  Realistic copy of the Norwegian royal castle. In 3d. 

one more.
But my devastating depression took everything from me it's just sneaking inn. Killing the joy of it. But a feel something now here on steemit my game the draklands has  woke up my creative side not my artist side yet but in writing. Am exposing it the the world. Am making up stories. And a like it.

and last one..all this one is form around 2004 

 But it's a long way to go. But it's a start. And 3 days a go on a  a was in Stanley park with 2 friends riding trails on my bike and a didn't feel shit. First time in a long my old self is sneaking back….slow and steady...



So good to see your creativity coming back and you finding your "light" at the end of your tunnel. You are doing well, @norwegianbikeman. One day at a time and you are going to be totally out of the pit :) hope to see more artworks from you and hope they serve you as therapies too!

slow and steady...a have a lot of ides...some day it will happen..:)

Time changes us. I can't imagine what you might be going through with depression, but I do know that time has changed my own ambitions. There's nothing wrong with it as long as we don't let it defeat us.

yes the same for me to. am just happy it happen now. even if a "lost most of my" youth time. a cant find my place in my life now. a think it made me stronger. just hard some time to let it develop slow. so not getting sets back.

I hear you. I have struggled with depression my entire life and my writing/creativity suffered so much. I'm slowly finding my way back through steemit writing challenges, especially the freewrites.

I wish you the best of crawling out of that dark hole. You deserve to find your spark again.

a find steemit to be a nice place to find a "safe" place to be active here on the Internet. special whit my dyslexia. all the trolls just killing it for me and my fellow dyslexics out there.

I think you are moving in the right direction - go riding! Do things. Draw, or paint or do something, especially when you don't feel like it. Depression is so tough to battle, and it really is a battle. Look at it that way. When you do nothing, the depression is winning. Fight back. Don't let it win.

You've got this.

I have faith, even when you don't. #steemitbloggers

yes it is..slow and steady a have a lot of tricks now days. to ground me..Thank you for your support
(so many comments....uhg....steemitbloggers :P

Damn comments!

Wait, what am I saying? I looooove comments!

"You get a comment and you get a comment...EVERYBODY gets a comment!!" - Oprah Winfrey

So glad to hear you are starting to come out of that long dark depression! I know how shitty that can be.. Keep being active and doing things you enjoy and you will slowly come out of that shell of darkness and enjoy the light of life again! It won't be a fast journey and it won't always be easy but it will give you a reason to live life to the fullest again! So keep it up my friend, so great to hear things are looking up for a change :0)

ty slow and stady...:)

The first one gives me the feeling of sinking in water. Like just jumping in and letting myself float down. I like it.

I had lost my creativity as well. I havent picked up a pencil to draw for meer pleasure in about 10 years. I did draw something a few months ago for a story, but the drawing was not quite as good as I use to be.
Maybe one day again it will surface. It's to see.
Keep at it. A gift that is lost is a sad feeling leaving an empty feeling somewhere inside. Knowing that it is coming back to you is a great thing!

Thanks a hope find it to. a feel its change over time so mabye its going to take us to a different place.

Interesting picture. I especially like the second one.

Thanks its one of my favorites too

Glad to see your doing better.
Your character Omar in Steemquest always puts a smile on my face.

I think you are very creative, Omar has actually made me laugh out loud.

Steem on my friend !

a like omar to he is one special dwarf :) Thanks..

Congratulations @norwegianbikeman This post was selected by the @steemitbloggers community as today's Rally Upvote Post :) It will also receive a complimentary upvote from @Appreciator throughout the course of the day!

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our Steemit Bloggers FB Page and Twitter feed.

howdy there norwegianbikeman! wow a 15 year long depression is some serious stuff but I like the fact that steemit is bringing back your creativity! I think it's doing that for alot of people. saw your name on steemitbloggers so i thought I better stop in!

Thanks for that. a think so to.

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