Thinking about my attitude.

in #blog6 years ago

The initial problem.

I work in retail, therefore I have to deal with a lot of different people with a lot of different issues. As the manager all of the problems end up on my table. As a part of a larger retail group there are a lot of rules and restrictions on what we can and can't do to help the customers and how we can help them if it's allowed. Just like any large company there are levels of red tape and guidelines for everything that we do.

With that said I've been there for a long time and break the rules as and when it suits me to a certain extent. Nothing bad but I know which rules i can bend and which I can't. That is where attitude comes in to it. My rule has always been about helping those who deserve it. Those who have a good reason or have been wronged by the company. If a person comes over to me with a problem looking for help then I will try to do as much as i can. If the person is in the wrong but approaches with a nice attitude and looking for help then i will be a lot more inclined to bend the rules and get a better result for them.

That also applies in reverse. Working a stressful job and having somebody roaring, demanding, being aggressive will not endear them to me while they are looking for my help. If they are in the wrong then they will definitely get no satisfaction no matter how loud they shout. Even if they are in the right my motivation to help will have dropped as soon as they stride towards me waving the problem in my face. Obviously i will still help to a certain extent but it will definitely effect the outcome.


Attitude effects outcomes.

I feel that this applies across the spectrum of what we do in life and carries into the wider world. To get more from what we do we need to approach with the right attitude. To gain following, upvotes help....

How do we approach that?
With demands and aggression. Screaming for it from the managers??

Or do we ask for guidance?
Put on a smile and say hello first. Start a conversation before diving into the problem?

I know which one one I will take. Which one will get the desired results. In my opinion at least.



Your attitude affects your altitude.

Posted using Partiko Android

I always loved the quote from remember the titans.

"Attitude reflects leadership."

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