Another day and the world is still falling apart.

in #blog6 years ago

Every Day

I can only go by what i read in the news but things in the world only seem to be getting worse. From the super powers fighting over the skies in Syria, to the people living on the streets in my own country. It never seems to get better.
Fair enough there are always a few bits of good news sandwiched in between all the misery but for the most part it seems to come back to the same old problems, money and power.
I can never understand why countries fight over areas that have nothing to do with them. Each country has enough internal issues without involving themselves in every other one as well. In the case of some wars it is a matter of defending your people and their rights which is understandable but i can't for the life of me understand how France, USA or Russia can think that dropping bombs on a war torn country will fix the problems that created the war in the first place. In retaliation for the Russians and their regime gassing innocent people the response was to drop bombs and kill more innocent people.
And these are meant to be the people ruling the world???

Is it just me or are politicians universally incompetent?

Closer to home they are incapable of running any of our public services efficiently or cost effectively. People are sleeping on the streets, lying on trolleys in the hospitals and can't keep the criminals off the street due to our crazy courts system. Now I know that these are all big issues but if they actually focused on any of them with a clear and focused plan then surely they could be fixed one at a time. But there seems to be a lot more self interest among our benevolent leaders than interest in running the country. It seems that once they get the power and the wages that it is job done for the politicians. Now there is nothing left to do until it's time for re-election in five years time.

Why not do better?

Compare that to some of our hugely successful business people who can run multi million euro businesses profitably and efficiently. And there is no mistake to be made that each department is a business entity. When you have our hospitals charging for parking while you visit your sick family but consultants can make thousands a week just for conferences something has gone very wrong.

Maybe it's just me?

Now I might be alone but I would just love to have control of my country of for a year. Without the pressure of European law and restrictions of public opinion to hold me back. While the technical term is dictator, I would like to think that I would be slightly less corrupt than the current crop of dictators that are in power and do a bit more good.
I would start with the laws and move onto the health system. Fix the wastage of money by our government and use it to run an efficient social welfare system. A country where everybody has an equal opportunity for education and employment and penalties for those who try to go against others.

Now I know that it is all fantasy but if we could make an improvements to the current state of affairs wouldn't it be something. Spread the wealth between more people and not just the 1%. Employment for the third world and not just exploit there resources. Little steps for a big result. I know that as part of the crypto world there are many projects with this in mind and it would be great to see even one of them make it. I know that manna would like to create a basic income for everyone and this is only one of the many but if even one can make it then surely it will help.

All we need is the motivation to do better. And we can do better. We are the next generation and it is in our hands to do more with our lives than what came before. I will try and I hope that you will join me.


Government itself is set up to attract the worst, only the worst people with power lusts want to rule and democracy attracts the worst people that have a short time frame to pillage the populace domestically and foreign as much and quickly as possible. It's called libido dominandi, the lust for power. All government's have this problem since they can't even exist without a territorial monopoly on violence and theft of those that inhabit the arbitrary borders.

People spend so much time and effort to get into government and then do nothing when they are there that it always amazes me. They want the money and power but never take on the responsibilities of it. There are a few good politicians but that is very much the minority and they always get drowned out in the end so nothing ever changes really.

This will always be the way things are until voters refuse to elect candidates who accept political donations from corporations. There are plenty of good people running for government. Most of them are defeated by a thoroughly corrupt political system which the majority of voters continue to empower by voting for corrupt candidates and corrupt political parties.

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