1 year on Steemit...!!!

in #blog6 years ago

The Beginning

Now in full disclosure my one year anniversary on Steemit is next week, but as it is the same day as my birthday and a big festival over here I will be out with my friends getting ridiculously drunk and having fun. So that rules out being able to type a post or probably a text of any sort really. I don’t exactly remember how I stumbled across the platform although it was while looking at different crypto’s and something (maybe fate) led me onto here. The sheer anticipation as I waited about a week for my account to register until that climactic moment where my email led me to the log in for the first time.

I can’t lie to you. At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never understand this site. But then I spent so many nights thinking how I must be wrong. And I grew strong. And I learned how to get along.

Just kidding but the site did take a while to get into. I don’t have much in the way of computing skills and this was a new and unfamiliar word to the usual facebook and twitter. But I liked it. I liked the simpleness of it, the community behind it and the vision for it. So I stuck around. The main problem was that I had nothing to write about. I tried a few random topics but none of them really fitted. Nobody seemed to care. Then I set myself a challenge. To earn 300sp. I started doing writing challenges, posting tips for other minnows, commenting on a lot of posts and generally engaging with other users. It worked. Not quickly or easily but I got there. With some great help from a few users and the general community.

So what then?

Well I did it. It took me about four months but I hit my target. So now what? I suppose we go for a new target. After growing my account and meeting some great people I had fallen in love with the site. Sure it has its limitations and its faults but it’s still my favourite site on the web. With that in mind I would love to become a dolphin. Have the power to effect change and votes that really make a difference. So I aimed for 1000sp and then for more. It might take a while living of scraps but that’s part of the fun as well. Hoping to be noticed and that people like and interact with your content.

Some of it they do and some of it they don’t. That’s ok as I believe in the site and will keep going towards my targets even if it takes 5 years. I power up my steem and look to the future and my next anniversary on here.

So what now?

Now I am looking the future of steemit and my account on here. My target for this year is to hit 3000SP. Not easy but i like the challenge. I've been fairly quiet over the summer as there is so much going on here but that's life in general. There is much more time for steemit over the winter.

There are a few projects of interest that i will be following on here as well. There is super8ballpool, steemhunt and actifit. All great projects that should add value to the blockchain. If what i have read is true then this is only the beginning of the gold rush with regards to SMT's and apps. There seems to be loads of great development in the works and it makes me very excited for the coming year.



Well an early congratulations on your anniversary. It has been an interesting year. It has been a year full of ups and downs in the Crypto World.

Like you when I started out I was a bit nervous and I did not know what to write about, but there are I have somehow found inspiration on here. There is no looking back now.

Thanks @eroche. I've really enjoyed my first year on here and looking forward to the next one as well. If nothing else I got to meet some very interesting people and learned a few new tricks so not a bad year.

Congrats on setting big goals and meeting them, and happy birthday!

Thanks, it's been a good year and should be a good celebration. Starting to feel too old now though, it's not a good thing. At least i still act like a 17 year old.

Happy birthday m8! And here’s to another great year! Prosperity inbound!

Thanks man, appreciate it and hoping for a big year for steemit.

Wonderful read. Congratulations on your first year. Happy Birthday as well. 3000 is quite a goal. I will work on supporting you when I can.

Have a great day.

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