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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/27/18> Courtesy letter … Since when is threatening someone considered a courtesy?

in #blog6 years ago

As I live in the UK, things might be a bit different here, but a few years ago several councils were pulled up for sending out letters from fake "debt collection agencies" to late payers. When I get one of these letters - sometimes for bills I don't even owe - I do an online search to look into the "company" making the demand.
For an unexpected bill like this, I always ask for an itemised invoice. Sometimes this reveals a "mistake" and a much reduced payment.


When you say "councils" would that be lawyers or attorneys as we call them here normally? We also use council but more as a descriptive term for their work.
It will be interesting to see what response he gets from this attorney, and it might be a legitimate bill but the attorney is now going to have to work for his money if it is in fact legitimate.
Thanks for reading and sharing your experience with us.

Ah - I meant local government. Our local governments are called councils.

Where is Scotland Yard when you need them? They should be all over crooked city and town councils for trying to scam the subjects of the Queen.
We do have town and city councils here now that I think about it, but it is been so long so since I actually lived in an incorporated city I forgot about those "councils". I am not surprised though that some local govs are just a tad on the shady side of the law, and that makes you wonder if the police departments are on the up and up in those towns as well. Who is to say that they aren't pulling some shady doings of their own.

Ooh... don't get me started! I've just recorded a rant about council parking charges, but unfortunately it's taking ages to "render" so it won't be completed till tomorrow.
Then there's nepotism, shady golf trips and holidays - luckily some of our local press are still on the ball (sometimes). Some councils are like fiefdoms, with one party in power for decades. Add sectarianism to the mix and you have a hotbed of corruption. People know about it and talk about it but nothing much is done.

Sounds like you already started , I can't wait to hear it when it is fully cooked.

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