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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/09/18> The Great Pyramid Scheme ….Fascinating, isn’t it?

in #blog6 years ago

You're right - kids have to learn so much. They are taught to stuff their brains with the answers and then reproduce them in exams.
They should really be taught to ask questions. But then, schools are designed to produce obedient and disciplined workers, not people who think for themselves and could therefore cause chaos!


Amen sister, amen. You hit the nail on the head with this comment. The last thing teachers want from what I have seen is a student who is engaged and asks thoughtful questions.
My brother just retired from teaching last month, and he has told me on numerous occasions that questions just disrupt the flow of the class work. "They need to know how to answer, and the right answer." is what the teachers have been instructed to go with, taking time and expanding the class to questions and discussion isn't what the school administrators are looking for in a teacher.
He said he would have liked to teach for another 5 years but he just couldn't take it from a how they had to teach requirement.

It must be so frustrating for good teachers. If I had kids I'd probably want them to be home-schooled - though that must be a very difficult undertaking for parents.

We home school our three youngest kids and I will tell you that it is difficult when you go from a two income household to a one income house.
We have to watch our finances real closely but the sacrifice is worth it. The kids know that they are getting a better education simply because when they are around their friends from the public schools and conversing with those kids, the kids are always asking them, "how do you know so much? " or " we haven't studied that yet".
As a parent with a child in public school a person needs to realize that your child is only going to be able to progress at the speed that the weakest academically inclined kid in the class can go. I think they had the name of that program as , "No Child Left Behind" , with that mentality of the public system there are a lot of kids who are kind of waiting around for Johnny to grasp what they already have.
When you throw in that most states now have a "test" of basic knowledge and skills all the teaching is geared at passing the test from memorized answers. That is how our "award winning" school district operates here.

I hope you're teaching them about cryptocurrency! Actually that is a serious point, because one thing most kids DON'T learn at school is how to manage their finances. I used to find that weird - now I just find it telling.
I'd be interested to read more about how you've home-schooled your kids.

The last thing the people running the world want is people who understand how banks and finances work. The only thing they want is to make sure they can keep as many people in debt as they can so they can keep creating money out of thin air and then charge interest on that money that cost them nothing to create. That is exactly why we operate in debt based financial system and it keeps being promoted, buy, buy, buy. and pay later.
Crypto will part of their learning as soon as I can get a better grasp on it myself.

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