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RE: Bitcoin is not Cryptocurrency

in #blog7 years ago

I was starting mining Bitcoin 2010, lost faith in it 2014. I had my comeback in crypto since understanding the Ethereum platform. That is like Buffett said it something with value behind. I only hope that the 2018 BTC Crash will not affect too much the Ethereum Idea and the DAPPs behind, and if it would be only for some month or 1-2 yrs.


In my mind, Bitcoin and Ethereum solve different problems. Bitcoin is designed to be digital gold, so it should be a store of value. I'm not saying it is, just saying that is the problem it is trying to solve. It's obviously painfully slow for daily transactions, so it doesn't really work as an every day cryptocurrency - just like gold doesn't really work for buying groceries.

Ethereum's inherent value isn't its scarcity, it's use-value as smart contracts. While Bitcoin and Ethereum have been tracking each other, at least on our local exchanges here, I don't think this will be the case forever. Cryptokitties is the start of what Ethereum has to offer and it's a very modest start, but a very simple one people can wrap their heads around.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum have been tracking each other, at least on our local exchanges here, I don't think this will be the case forever

Definitely agree with you here.

Actually the design of BTC was for daily transactions, can still remember the time as it worked very well on TOR Marketplaces like BMR (no I was not selling drugs or weapons there :) .. only testing the platform) all the stories about designed as to be gold are not true, not to say bulls***. What bitcoin is and will remain for the near future in my opinion, a promoter for the new area of the internet. We need to change, we need to take back the internet. It is not acceptable anymore that a company like amazon, ebay or paypal can freeze your account because you do not recognise their new terms every second day. People like me and like many other who lost a fortune only because when they succeeded on a platform, some guy came the next second and closes their accounts without a reason, will be the new pioneers on DAPPS cloning amazon, ebay and paypal. Long live Ethereum ... !!!

You're right in the sense that Bitcoin was designed to be a cryptocurrency. My comment wasn't explicitly clear on this. I meant Bitcoin is impractical for daily transactions, just like gold is impractical for daily transactions. Bitcoin can't handle the volume. It might change with more innovations, but there are alt coins which have solved this in a different way.

I'm also big on Ethereum because it's a different approach.

I completely agree with you about everything you just said.

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